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Mollie MuñozJen FoxAdrian BonarCindy DengLiki Du
Published © MIT

Azure RTOS ThreadX for Arduino 101: Threads

Learn how to multi-thread your Arduino application using Azure RTOS ThreadX.

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Azure RTOS ThreadX for Arduino 101: Threads

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino MKR WiFi 1010
Arduino MKR WiFi 1010
Wio Terminal
Seeed Studio Wio Terminal

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Microsoft Azure RTOS ThreadX


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This is a basic multi-threading demo using the Azure RTOS ThreadX for Arduino library. It combines the classic Blink example with serial input.


Mollie Muñoz
6 projects • 11 followers
A lifelong learner, creator, and problem solver for whatever adventure or new idea comes my way. Software Engineer ll @ Microsoft.
Jen Fox
35 projects • 145 followers
Dabbled in dark matter, settled into engineering w/ a blend of inventing and education! Sr.PM @ MicrosoftFounder/CEO of FoxBot Industries
Adrian Bonar
6 projects • 12 followers
Always looking to make positive impacts with technology on society, empower others, and grow through culture and engineering.
Cindy Deng
0 projects • 2 followers
Liki Du
0 projects • 2 followers


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