In this project, I have created a smart trash bin based on Arduino. Why did I choose to create such a project? Because as we know, trash bins are among the dirtiest objects, especially their lids. This often discourages people from opening the bin, leading them to litter improperly.
⚙️ Required components:1. Arduino UNO
2. Motor Servo (Tower Pro SG90)
3. Obstacle Avoidance Sensor Module
4. USB B wire (USB Printer)
5. Jumper wire (Male-Male)
6. Jumper wire (Male-Female)
7. Pin Header Male
8. Trash bin
🖥️ Software used:- Arduino IDE
1. Connection from the Obstacle Sensor to Arduino UNO:
- OUT → Digital Pin 2
- VCC → 5V
- Connect using Male-Female Jumper Cables or Male Pin Headers.
2. Connection from the Servo Motor to Arduino UNO:
- Brown wire → GND
- Red (middle) → 5V
- Yellow/orange → Digital Pin 8
- Connect using Male-Male Jumper Cables or through the built-in adapter on Arduino.
3. After connecting the Arduino UNO, Servo Motor, and Obstacle Sensor with jumper cables and/or pin headers, the next step is to assemble them onto the prepared trash bin.
4. Next, upload the program code to the Arduino by connecting the Arduino to your PC/Laptop using a USB Printer cable.
5. Open the Arduino IDE on your PC/Laptop. If you haven't downloaded the Arduino IDE yet, you can download it from Official website and choose the appropriate version for your operating system (Windows/Linux/MacOS).
6. Open the Arduino IDE, go to Select Board > Select other board and port... > Scroll down and choose Arduino UNO > click "OK".
7. Copy and paste the following code:
#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo;
int angle =0;
int angleStep =50;
void setup() {
void loop() {
if (digitalRead(2) == HIGH){
else {
8. Click on the "➔" (Upload) button in the Arduino IDE.
9. Disconnect the USB Printer cable from your computer/laptop and replace it with a regular phone charger head, then plug it into a power outlet. Test the system by approaching your hand or an object near the Obstacle Sensor. You're done!
🌟 This sequence of steps guides you through assembling the components, programming the Arduino, and testing your smart trash bin project.
📹 The following video is expected to facilitate your work in creating a smart trash bin.
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