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Martha MigliacioAlex Wong
Published © GPL3+

Using the Pmod OD1 with Arduino Uno

Application notes for Pmod OD1 and Arduino Uno. In this app, the motor will be programmed to accelerate & decelerate at specific intervals.

BeginnerShowcase (no instructions)1 hour1,024
Using the Pmod OD1 with Arduino Uno

Things used in this project


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Pmod OD1 and Arduino Uno Fritzing file

Fritzing file displaying the connection of the Pmod OD1 to the Arduino Uno.

Pmod OD1 and Arduino Uno Fritzing Image

Fritzing image displaying the connection between the Pmod OD1 and Arduino Uno.


Pmod OD1 and Arduino Uno Code

Using this code will control a DC motor to accelerate and deccelerate for a certain time.


Martha Migliacio
5 projects • 21 followers
Alex Wong
14 projects • 55 followers
I work in Digilent and like creating projects
Thanks to Lextronics.


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