This is a demo project for the Pmod OD1 made by Digilent. With the help of this module, one can easily control a low voltage DC motor to accelerate or to deccelerate. The device changes the output voltage according to the duty cycle of a PWM signal applied to its input. To control the Pmod, an Arduino UNO is used. The output waveform can be visualised using the oscilloscope on Analog Discovery 2: connect the scope channels of the Analog Discovery 2 to the DC motor (as shown on the wiring diagram), then open WaveForms and start the Scope instrument. With the help of the cursors the acceleration and decceleration times can also be visualized. If you are new to WaveForms, check the getting started guide:
Using the Pmod OD1 with Arduino Uno
Application notes for Pmod OD1 and Arduino Uno. In this app, the motor will be programmed to accelerate & decelerate at specific intervals.
Measuring the output voltage of the Pmod OD1 using WaveForms and Analog Disvoery 2
Thanks to Lextronics.
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