Control a DC Motor to track the sun. To Track both axis use two boards.
Build a line-following Arduino car with IR sensors! Perfect for robotics enthusiasts. Dive into automation with this hands-on project.
A quick tutorial on how the use the L298N Motor Controller with DC motors
An Arduino controlled car that avoids obstacles (ie. walls or objects in front of it).
An unmanned ground vehicle, compatible with multi micro control. [OSHW] SA000001 | Certified open source hardware |
Create a joystick-controlled 2-wheel car with Arduino! Explore robotics and coding with this exciting hands-on project.
Using ultrasonic sensors and Arduino, it navigates smoothly around obstacles, perfect for any enviro
[@version 1 ] PID loop is used in this project to control the speed of a permanent magnet DC motor.
The DC motor controlling library is provided to control all types of DC motors especially for industrial motion control.
Unlock the power of Arduino with our DC Motor Control Project! Use the L293D Shield to seamlessly manage motor directions and speed. Perfect
Anemometer or a wind speed measuring device is a common weather station instrument. It was costly online, so I built one!
This is a project controlling a motor.
A basic model train layout containing a passing siding with a train running around and stopping in an automated sequence.
Robot is an electromechanical device which is capable of reacting in some way to its environment, and take autonomous decisions or action...
A prototype of robot that can disinfect surfaces using UV-C rays and automatically turns off if it detects human motion.
Our dynamometer tests the performance of stepper motors and their drivers by applying customizable load torque profiles through a GUI.
In this article, you will learn how to control DC, Stepper, and servo motors by Arduino and L293D.
Arduino varies speed of DC Motor using PWM and measures its RPM using optical sensor and displays them on LCD
Give the axis of an inkjet printer a new job.
An easy way for controlling the rotation speed of a DC motor by using PWM signal from arduino and a NPN transistor
In this tutorial, we'll be looking at how to power and drive a DC motor with an L293D and an Arduino.
A basic point to point model railroad layout ideal for trams, light rail, powered cars, and metro trains.
How to use the MiniZed with the Vitis embedded flow for motor control applications.
A cheap tool for testing Servos, H-Bridges and lot of applications needing square wave signals in different formats