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Amie DD
Published © MIT

Cyberpunk 3D-Printed Fabric Light-Up Corset

3D-printed spikes on fabric and using a Circuit Playground that reacts with movement to light up NeoPixels.

IntermediateFull instructions provided6 hours1,479
Cyberpunk 3D-Printed Fabric Light-Up Corset

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Circuit Playground Express
Adafruit Circuit Playground Express
Ultimaker CPE Transparent Filament
NeoPixel strip
NeoPixel strip
30 LEDs per Meter - 1 meter
Adafruit JST AAA Battery Holder

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Ultimaker S5


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Custom parts and enclosures

3D Printed Spikes on Fabric

The Dragon spikes were based on Dave Shorey Designs 3D Printing on fabric design and I modified the design for my bodysuit and corset.


Circuit Playground Express Bread Board Layout

Bread Board layout for Circuit Playground Express, and Neopixels

Circuit Playground Express Schematic


Shake it!

Take your micro USB cable and plug it into the computer and the Circuit Playground. Press the RESET button to put the Circuit Playground into programming mode(the light on the Circuit Playground will turn green). From the file explorer on your computer, click and drag you code file you downloaded onto CPLAYBOOT (this is what the computer recognizes/names the Circuit Playground). Words of Wisdom
Make sure your Micro USB Cable is for data transfer, some micro usb cables are just for charging and don't transfer data, you won't be able to upload the code to the Circuit Playground.
// Dragon Con 2018 Cyberpunk 3D Printed Light-Up Corset
// AmieDD www.amiedd.com
// Hardware: Circuit Playground Express
// 2x NeoPixel LED Strip - 30 LEDs/meter - 1 Meter - BLACK

let strip: light.NeoPixelStrip = null

input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake, function () {
    for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        light.showAnimation(light.rainbowAnimation, __internal.__timePicker(1000))
            `blue white blue white blue blue white blue white blue`
        strip.showAnimation(light.rainbowAnimation, __internal.__timePicker(500))
    light.showAnimation(light.sparkleAnimation, __internal.__timePicker(500))

// Data is on pin A1 on the Circuit Playground
strip = light.createStrip(pins.A1, 32)


Amie DD
8 projects • 77 followers
Maker of Things


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