Make a Linux distribution that is focused on the development of Arduino and IoT. This distribution must be in "Live" format and fully functional. If the user likes the distribution, it is possible to do a final installation. The license is in GNU format totally free and free for use in any segment whether personal, academic or commercial. Build Features: Distro Base: Debian 9.5 AMD 64-bit Size: 4Gb Xwindow manager: Mate, XFCE
Features- Arduino IDE with ArduBlocks
- Eclipse C++ with Arduino Plugin
- Visual Studio Code with Arduino Plugin
- Fritzing circuit designer and simulator
- Cura 3D Printer
- Cura2 3D Printer
- Repetier Host 3D printer
- Gimp – Image editor
- Postman – call APIs
- Eagle – computer feature
- Firefox
- File manager PCManFM
- GitKraken Client app
- Python3
- Inkscape
- Java8
- LibreCad
- FreeCad
- Blender
- Mate Disk Usage Analyzer
- Mate System Monitor
- MC – Midnight Commander
- QTransmission Bittorrent Client
- System Profiler and Benchmark
- Task Manager
- Open Office
- Text Editor
- XAMPP – Apache server with PHP, SFTP Server, MySql server database
- Games
- Dislocker (for hack bitlocker)
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