Hack star
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Learn to Drive 8 LEDs on Raspberry Pi Pico Simulator - 2022

Learn to Drive 8 LEDs with 1 line Code on Raspberry Pi Pico. You can change the code and play with the Raspberry Pi Pico simulator.

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Learn to Drive 8 LEDs on Raspberry Pi Pico Simulator - 2022

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi Pico
Raspberry Pi Pico
DIYables LED
DIYables Resistor
Jumper Wires
DIYables Jumper Wires
DIYables Breadboard
Starter Kit
DIYables Starter Kit

Software apps and online services

Wokwi Pi Pico Simulator


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8 LEDs and Raspberry Pi Pico


Code for driving the 8 LEDs using Raspberry Pi Pico

 * Controlling the Pi Pico GPIO with direct register access (SIO registers + IO Bank 0 registers)
 * Code example from the Raspberry Pi Pico Deep Pico - The Deep Dive course:
 * https://hackaday.io/course/178733-raspberry-pi-pico-and-rp2040-the-deep-dive

/* Enables the SIO function for the given pin, by writing to the relevant CTRL register.
   (e.g. GPIO0_CTRL at 0x40014004) */
void enable_sio(int pin) {
  uint32_t *PIN_CTRL_REG = (uint32_t*)IO_BANK0_BASE + pin * 2 + 1;
  *PIN_CTRL_REG = 5; // 5 = SIO function

void setup() {
  // Enable the SIO function for pins GP0 to GP7
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
  // Enable output on pins GP0 to GP7:
  // sio_hw->gpio_oe points to 0xd0000020 (GPIO_OE)
  sio_hw->gpio_oe = 0b11111111;

  // Set initial pin pattern
  // sio_hw->gpio_out points to 0xd0000010 (GPIO_OUT)
  sio_hw->gpio_out = 0b10101010;

void loop() {
  // sio_hw->gpio_togl points to 0xd000001c (GPIO_OUT_XOR)
  sio_hw->gpio_togl = 0b11111111;


Hack star

Hack star

75 projects • 99 followers
an Arduino enthusiast and an electronic hobbyist
