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Bryn Lewis
Published © Apache-2.0

nanoFramework LoRaWAN Client using a Seeed LoRa-E5 module

A nanoFramework + Seeed LoRa-E5 module based LoRaWAN client. Tested on The Things Network (TTN) and The Things Industries(TTI)

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nanoFramework LoRaWAN Client using a Seeed LoRa-E5 module

Things used in this project

Hardware components

STMicroelectronics STM32F769 Discovery board
Seeed Studio Seeedstudio LoRa-E5 Development Kit
Seeed Studio Seeed Grove - LoRa-E5 (STM32WLE5JC)
Seeed Studio Seeed LoRa-E5 (STM32WLE5JC) Module

Software apps and online services

Visual Studio extension
.NET nanoFramework Visual Studio extension
The Things Stack
The Things Industries The Things Stack
Microsoft Visual Studio 2019


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SeeedLoRaE5LoRaWAN-NetNF library

Source code for library and simple test harness to show how it should be used


Bryn Lewis

Bryn Lewis

36 projects • 83 followers
Microsoft MVP Embedded, maker, husband & father of two.
