Hackster is hosting Impact Spotlights: Smart Home. Watch the stream live on Thursday!Hackster is hosting Impact Spotlights: Smart Home. Stream on Thursday!
Bryn Lewis
Published © Apache-2.0

The Things Industries(TTI) V3 Azure IoT Connector Revisited

Azure IoT Identity Translation cloud gateway for TTI with IoT Hub, IoT Central & DPS, uplink/downlink message support revisited yet again.

AdvancedFull instructions provided4 hours804
The Things Industries(TTI) V3 Azure IoT Connector Revisited

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Seeeduino LoRaWAN
Seeed Studio Seeeduino LoRaWAN
Visual Studio 2019
Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
Seeeduino LoRaWAN W/GPS
Seeed Studio Seeeduino LoRaWAN W/GPS
RAKwireless RAK7258 WisGate Edge Lite
GHI Electronics Fezduino
RAKwireless RAK3172 Breakout Board

Software apps and online services

The Things Stack
The Things Industries The Things Stack
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure


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TTI V3 Azure IoT Connector

Compile then deploy to Azure Function app plan


Bryn Lewis
36 projects • 83 followers
Microsoft MVP Embedded, maker, husband & father of two.


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