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Open Source Laboratory Sample Rotator Mixer and Shaker

A 3-D printed simple rotator mixer which can be built by non-specialists very economically.

IntermediateFull instructions provided798
Open Source Laboratory Sample Rotator Mixer and Shaker

Things used in this project

Hardware components

This is the widely available roller skates bearing
9V battery (generic)
9V battery (generic)
9 V alkaline widely available (bought in pack of 8)
Rocker switch
Geared motor 60 rpm 12 V DC
Battery clip
Rubber sheet
This is sandwiched between the Rotisseries to grip the test tubes. Multiple options available on Amazon or similar
Motor driver controller L298N
This is the most commonly available type and can be purchased from Amazon or similar
12 V DC supply adaptor
12 V supply is provided using an adapter that can be purchased from Amazon or similar
5.5 mm Jack Connector Socket
Can be purchased from Amazon or similar


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Inside of large pillar of shaker showing wiring

Assembled electronics tray for mixer/shaker variant with micro-controller and motor driver mounted

Circuit diagram for mixer variant

Visual circuit diagram for the mixer/shaker combination variant


24 projects • 33 followers
The Michigan Tech in Open Sustainability Technology (MOST) Lab focuses on open and applied sustainability and development of open hardware.


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