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Mario Soranno
Published © CERN-OHL2

SoraBot-UVGI | Autonomous UVGI Robot

SoraBot-UVGI is a modular robot for sanitizing surfaces. It is small, it is equipped with self-driving, it is open-souce and low cost.

ExpertFull instructions provided5 days1,639

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Cytron Technologies Cytron Power Window Motors w/ 5" Wheels (Pair)
Cytron Technologies MD20A - 20Amp 6V-30V DC Motor Driver
caster wheel - 40mm
GY-31 | TCS3200 Color Sensor Module
Line Follower - MH Sensor Module with TCRT5000L
Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
Rechargeable Battery, 12 V
Rechargeable Battery, 12 V
Basic: Lead acid 12V 7Ah
Emergency Stop Switch, DPST
Emergency Stop Switch, DPST
It's a similar switch because I have used a recovery component.
LM2596 DC-DC Buck Converter Step-Down Power Module Output 1.25V-35V
Vishay Diode - BY500-600-E3
Geekcreit 310pcs 2.54mm Male Female Dupont Wire Jumper With Header Connector Housing Kit
Female Crimp Terminals
Philips hue Philips 62878740 36W 2G11 lampada UV
Lamp Holder, 2G11 Compact Fluorescent Lamps
Lamp Holder, 2G11 Compact Fluorescent Lamps
Electronic Ballast 220-240VAC 2x36W
Inverter 150W 12V 220V/230V
TE Connectivity T92 Series Two-pole 30A Panel Mount Relay
Solid State Relays
Aluminum profile 20x20 I-type
selectable sliding block with web I-type - M4
selectable sliding block with web I-type - M5

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Robot Operating System
ROS Robot Operating System

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Wire, Lead Free
PCB Holder, Soldering Iron
PCB Holder, Soldering Iron
3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)
Drill / Driver, 20V
Drill / Driver, 20V
Tool case


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

SoraBot-UVGI | base

SoraBot-UVGI | cover-level-0

SoraBot-UVGI | cover level - HC-SR04

SoraBot-UVGI | cover level - SS-430L-BK

SoraBot-UVGI | support aluminum profiles

SoraBot-UVGI | support caster wheel

SoraBot-UVGI | support color sensor

SoraBot-UVGI | support left motor

SoraBot-UVGI | support right motor

SoraBot-UVGI | support line follower sensors

SoraBot-UVGI base electronics

SoraBot-UVGI base electronics

SoraBot-UVGI Emergency Button

SoraBot-UVGI Emergency Button

SoraBot-UVGI Top

SoraBot-UVGI Top

SoraBot-UVGI Cover Level 4

SoraBot-UVGI Cover Level 4

SoraBot-UVGI | Support DS3225

SoraBot-UVGI | Support DS3225

SoraBot-UVGI | Support DS3225 - 1

SoraBot-UVGI | Support DS3225 - 1

SoraBot-UVGI | Support Lamp Holder

SoraBot-UVGI | Support Lamp Holder

SoraBot-UVGI | Support Lamp

SoraBot-UVGI | Support Lamp

SoraBot-UVGI | Support Lamp Reflector

SoraBot-UVGI | Support Lamp Reflector


Drivers to Raspberry Pi 3

Electrical connection of two drivers to Raspberry Pi 3

Power Supply

Electrical connection of power supply section

Line Followers

Electrical connection of line lollower sensors to Raspberry Pi 3

Color Sensors

Electrical connection of color sensors to Raspberry Pi 3

Ultrasonic Distance Sensors

Electrical connection of HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensors to Raspberry Pi 3

UV-C Section

Electrical schematic of UV-C section


Code for reading color sensors with arduino nano

The firmware is an Arduino sketch.
// Mario Soranno
const int s0 = 9;         // Output frequency scaling selection
const int s1 = 8;         // Output frequency scaling selection
const int s2 = 6;         // Photodiode type selection
const int s3 = 7;         // Photodiode type selection
const int outSX = 4;      // Output frequency - SX: left Sensor Module 
const int outDX = 5;      // Output frequency - SX: right Sensor Module 
const int led = 10;       // white LEDs control
int brightness = 255;     // brightness of LEDs

int redSX = 0;            // Red value - SX: left Sensor Module 
int greenSX = 0;          // Green value - SX: left Sensor Module 
int blueSX = 0;           // Blue value - SX: left Sensor Module 

int redDX = 0;            // Red value - DX: left Sensor Module 
int greenDX = 0;          // Green value - DX: left Sensor Module 
int blueDX = 0;           // Blue value - DX: left Sensor Module 

void setup()   
  pinMode(s0, OUTPUT);  
  pinMode(s1, OUTPUT);  
  pinMode(s2, OUTPUT);  
  pinMode(s3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT);  
  pinMode(outSX, INPUT);   
  pinMode(outDX, INPUT); 
  digitalWrite(s0, HIGH);  
  digitalWrite(s1, HIGH);
  analogWrite(led, brightness);
void loop() 
  Serial.print(redSX, DEC);  
  Serial.print(greenSX, DEC);  
  Serial.print(blueSX, DEC);

  Serial.print(redDX, DEC);  
  Serial.print(greenDX, DEC);  
  Serial.println(blueDX, DEC);  

  delay(100);         // 100ms delay
void colors()
  digitalWrite(s2, LOW);    // Read value
  digitalWrite(s3, LOW);
  redSX = pulseIn(outSX, digitalRead(outSX) == HIGH ? LOW : HIGH);    // Reads a pulse (either HIGH or LOW) on a pin.
  redDX = pulseIn(outDX, digitalRead(outDX) == HIGH ? LOW : HIGH);    // Reads a pulse (either HIGH or LOW) on a pin.
  digitalWrite(s3, HIGH);   // Blue value
  blueSX = pulseIn(outSX, digitalRead(outSX) == HIGH ? LOW : HIGH);   // Reads a pulse (either HIGH or LOW) on a pin.
  blueDX = pulseIn(outDX, digitalRead(outDX) == HIGH ? LOW : HIGH);   // Reads a pulse (either HIGH or LOW) on a pin.
  digitalWrite(s2, HIGH);   // Green value
  greenSX = pulseIn(outSX, digitalRead(outSX) == HIGH ? LOW : HIGH);  // Reads a pulse (either HIGH or LOW) on a pin.
  greenDX = pulseIn(outDX, digitalRead(outDX) == HIGH ? LOW : HIGH);  // Reads a pulse (either HIGH or LOW) on a pin.

colors - ROS Node

ROS Node of color sensor - GY-31 Module
#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
import serial
from sorabot.msg import colors_msg

# Mario Soranno

port = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB0", baudrate=9600, timeout=3.0)

def readlineCR(port):
    rv = ""
    while True:
		ch = port.read()
		if ch != '\n':
			rv += ch
			if ch=='\r' or ch=='':
				return rv

if __name__ == '__main__':
	pub = rospy.Publisher("/colors_msg", colors_msg, queue_size = 10)
	rate = rospy.Rate(10)
	inc = 0
	sxR = 0
	sxG = 0
	sxB = 0
	dxR = 0
	dxG = 0
	dxB = 0
	while not rospy.is_shutdown():	
		rcv = readlineCR(port)
		arrayric = rcv.split(";")
		numelement = len(arrayric)
		if numelement == 8:
			arrayric[7] = arrayric[7].replace('\r', '')
			if arrayric[0] == "SX" and arrayric[4] == "DX":
				sxR = int(arrayric[1])
				sxG = int(arrayric[2])
				sxB = int(arrayric[3])
				dxR = int(arrayric[5])
				dxG = int(arrayric[6])
				dxB = int(arrayric[7])
				inc = inc + 1
		msg = colors_msg()
		msg.inc = inc
		msg.SX_Red = 0
		msg.SX_Green = 0 
		msg.SX_Blue = 0
		msg.DX_Red = 0
		msg.DX_Green = 0 
		msg.DX_Blue = 0
		# SX
		if sxR < sxB and sxR < sxG and sxR < 20:
			if sxR <=10 and sxG <=10 and sxB <=10:
				msg.SX_Red = 0
				msg.SX_Green = 0 
				msg.SX_Blue = 0
				msg.SX_Red = 1
				msg.SX_Green = 0 
				msg.SX_Blue = 0
		elif sxB < sxR and sxB < sxG:
			if sxR <=10 and sxG <=10 and sxB <= 10:
				msg.SX_Red = 0
				msg.SX_Green = 0 
				msg.SX_Blue = 0
				msg.SX_Red = 0
				msg.SX_Green = 0 
				msg.SX_Blue = 1
		elif sxG < sxR and sxG < sxB:
			if sxR <= 10 and sxG <=10 and sxB <= 10:
				msg.SX_Red = 0
				msg.SX_Green = 0 
				msg.SX_Blue = 0				
				msg.SX_Red = 0
				msg.SX_Green = 1
				msg.SX_Blue = 0
			msg.SX_Red = 0
			msg.SX_Green = 0 
			msg.SX_Blue = 0
		# DX
		if dxR < dxB and dxR < dxG and dxR < 20:
			if dxR <=10 and dxG <=10 and dxB <=10:
				msg.DX_Red = 0
				msg.DX_Green = 0 
				msg.DX_Blue = 0
				msg.DX_Red = 1
				msg.DX_Green = 0 
				msg.DX_Blue = 0
		elif dxB < dxR and dxB < dxG:
			if dxR <=10 and dxG <=10 and dxB <= 10:
				msg.DX_Red = 0
				msg.DX_Green = 0 
				msg.DX_Blue = 0
				msg.DX_Red = 0
				msg.DX_Green = 0 
				msg.DX_Blue = 1
		elif dxG < dxR and dxG < dxB:
			if dxR <= 10 and dxG <=10 and dxB <= 10:
				msg.DX_Red = 0
				msg.DX_Green = 0 
				msg.DX_Blue = 0			
				msg.DX_Red = 0
				msg.DX_Green = 1
				msg.DX_Blue = 0
			msg.DX_Red = 0
			msg.DX_Green = 0 
			msg.DX_Blue = 0


Drivers ROS Node

ROS Node for control the drivers
#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from sorabot.msg import drivers_msg

# Mario Soranno

def callback_receive_data(msg):
	if msg.direction == 0:
		GPIO.output(7, GPIO.LOW)
		GPIO.output(11, GPIO.LOW)	
		GPIO.output(7, GPIO.HIGH)
		GPIO.output(11, GPIO.HIGH)	
	if msg.rotation == 1:
	elif msg.rotation == 3:
	else:	# 2	
if __name__ == '__main__':
	sub = rospy.Subscriber("drivers", drivers_msg, callback_receive_data)
	GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)	# This example uses the BOARD pin numbering
	GPIO.setup(12, GPIO.OUT)
	GPIO.setup(33, GPIO.OUT)
	GPIO.setup(7, GPIO.OUT)
	GPIO.setup(11, GPIO.OUT)
	pwm_left = GPIO.PWM(12, 5000)
	pwm_right = GPIO.PWM(33, 5000)	

Line Followers ROS Node

ROS Node for read line follower sensors
#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
from gpiozero import LineSensor
from sorabot.msg import linefollower_msg

# Mario Soranno

if __name__ == '__main__':
	pub = rospy.Publisher("/linefollower", linefollower_msg, queue_size = 10)
	rate = rospy.Rate(10)
	inc = 0
	followerSX = LineSensor(27)
	followerSXC = LineSensor(22)
	followerDXC = LineSensor(23)
	followerDX = LineSensor(24)
	while not rospy.is_shutdown():
		inc = inc + 1
		msg = linefollower_msg()
		msg.inc = inc
		if int(followerSX.value) == 0:
			msg.followerSX = 0
			msg.followerSX = 1
		if int(followerSXC.value) == 0:
			msg.followerSXC = 0
			msg.followerSXC = 1

		if int(followerDXC.value) == 0:
			msg.followerDXC = 0
			msg.followerDXC = 1
		if int(followerDX.value) == 0:
			msg.followerDX = 0
			msg.followerDX = 1

ultrasonic - ROS Node

ROS Node for read ultrasonic sensors
// Mario Soranno
#include "wiringPi.h"
#include "ros/ros.h"
#include "sorabot/ultrasonic_msg.h"

// Mario Soranno

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	ros::init(argc, argv, "ultrasonic");	
	ros::NodeHandle node_obj;
	ros::Publisher pub = node_obj.advertise<sorabot::ultrasonic_msg>("ultrasonic",10);
	sorabot::ultrasonic_msg msg;
	ros::Rate loop_rate(10);
	pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(10, INPUT);
	pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(12, INPUT);
	ros::Time begin = ros::Time::now();
	ros::Time stop = ros::Time::now();
	float distanceF = 0;
	float distanceB = 0;
	uint64_t difference = 0;
	uint64_t TrigDuration = 0;
	uint64_t inc = 0;
		distanceF = 0;
		difference = 0;
		TrigDuration = 0;
		digitalWrite(6, HIGH);
		begin = ros::Time::now();
		while(TrigDuration < 12000)
			stop = ros::Time::now();	
			TrigDuration = stop.toNSec() - begin.toNSec();	
		digitalWrite(6, LOW);
		begin = ros::Time::now();
		stop = ros::Time::now();
		difference = stop.toNSec() - begin.toNSec();
		distanceF = (difference * (340.0 / 1000000000.0)) / 2.0;
		distanceB = 0;
		difference = 0;
		TrigDuration = 0;
		digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
		begin = ros::Time::now();
		while(TrigDuration < 12000)
			stop = ros::Time::now();	
			TrigDuration = stop.toNSec() - begin.toNSec();	
		digitalWrite(11, LOW);
		begin = ros::Time::now();
		stop = ros::Time::now();
		difference = stop.toNSec() - begin.toNSec();
		distanceB = (difference * (340.0 / 1000000000.0)) / 2.0;

		msg.inc = inc;
		if(distanceF < 0.30) msg.ultrasonicF = 1;
		else msg.ultrasonicF = 0;
		if(distanceB < 0.30) msg.ultrasonicB = 1;
		else msg.ultrasonicB = 0;
	return 0;

kemet - ROS Node

ROS Node for read kemet sensors
#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
import serial
from sorabot.msg import kemet_msg

# Mario Soranno

port = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyACM0", baudrate=9600, timeout=3.0)

def readlineCR(port):
    rv = ""
    while True:
		ch = port.read()
		if ch != '\n':
			rv += ch
			if ch=='\r' or ch=='':
				return rv

if __name__ == '__main__':
	pub = rospy.Publisher("/kemet", kemet_msg, queue_size = 10)
	rate = rospy.Rate(10)
	inc = 0
	kemetF = 0
	kemetB = 0
	while not rospy.is_shutdown():	
		rcv = readlineCR(port)
		numelement = len(rcv)		
		msg = kemet_msg()
		inc = inc + 1
		msg.inc = inc
		if numelement == 5:
			msg.kemetF = int(rcv[1])
			msg.kemetB = int(rcv[3])
			msg.kemetF = 0
			msg.kemetB = 0

Code for controlling UVC section with arduino Uno

The firmware is an Arduino sketch.
// Mario Soranno
#include <Servo.h>

// UVC Sensor
int sensorPin = A1;
int sensorValue = 0;

// HC-SR04
const int trigPin = 7;
const int echoPin = 6;
int distance; // variable for the distance measurement

Servo myservo;  // create servo object to control a servo
int pos = 0;    // variable to store the servo position

// SSR
const int ssr = 13;

void setup() {
  // SERVO
  myservo.attach(9);  // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object
  // HC-SR04
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
  // SSR
  pinMode(ssr, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(ssr, LOW);

void loop() {
  sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);    // read the value from the UV sensor
  if (sensorValue > 40) Serial.println("UVC1");
  else Serial.println("UVC0");

  if (Serial.available()) {
     byte command = Serial.read();
     switch (command) 
      case '0': // Vertical - UVC ON
        for (pos = myservo.read(); pos >= 10; pos -= 1) {
        digitalWrite(ssr, HIGH);
      case '1': // Horizontal - UVC ON
        for (pos = myservo.read(); pos <= 100; pos += 1) {
            distance = ultrasonic();
            if(distance<20) distance = ultrasonic();
            if(distance<20) break;
          digitalWrite(ssr, HIGH);
      case '2': // Vertical - UVC OFF
        for (pos = myservo.read(); pos >= 10; pos -= 1) {
        digitalWrite(ssr, LOW);
     while (Serial.available()) {
       byte a = Serial.read();

int ultrasonic(void)
  int dist;
  long duration;
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
  dist = (duration*0.034)/2;
  return dist;

uvcmodule - ROS Node

ROS Node for control UV-C section
#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
import serial
from std_msgs.msg import Int8
from sorabot.msg import uvcontrol_msg

# Mario Soranno

ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUVC", baudrate=9600, timeout=3.0)

def callback_receive_data(msgrec):
	if msgrec.horizontal == 1 and msgrec.on == 1:
	elif msgrec.horizontal == 0 and msgrec.on == 1:

def readlineCR(ser):
    rv = ""
    while True:
		ch = ser.read()
		if ch != '\n':
			rv += ch
			if ch=='\r' or ch=='':
				return rv

if __name__ == '__main__':
	pub = rospy.Publisher("uvcvalue", Int8, queue_size = 10)
	sub = rospy.Subscriber("uvcontrol", uvcontrol_msg, callback_receive_data)	
	rate = rospy.Rate(10)
	while not rospy.is_shutdown():	
		rcv = readlineCR(ser)
		numelement = len(rcv)		
		msg = Int8()
		if numelement == 5:
			msg.data = int(rcv[3])
			msg.data = 9 	#error

Save Data - ROS Node

ROS node that save in a file the switching on and switching off times of the lamps.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
import time
from sorabot.msg import uvcontrol_msg

# Mario Soranno

uvcon = 0
uvcon_last = 0

def callback_receive_data(msg):
	global uvcon
	global uvcon_last
	uvcon = msg.on
	if uvcon != uvcon_last:
		uvcon_last = uvcon
		fileswitch = open("switchlamps.txt", "a")
		if uvcon == 1:
			now = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
			text = now + " - ON\n"
			now = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
			text = now + " - OFF\n"

if __name__ == '__main__':
	sub = rospy.Subscriber("uvcontrol", uvcontrol_msg, callback_receive_data)

Guide - ROS Node

ROS node that drives the robot.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
from sorabot.msg import linefollower_msg
from sorabot.msg import drivers_msg
from sorabot.msg import ultrasonic_msg
from sorabot.msg import kemet_msg
from sorabot.msg import colors_msg
from std_msgs.msg import Int8
from sorabot.msg import uvcontrol_msg

# Mario Soranno

followerSX = 9
followerSXC = 9
followerDXC = 9
followerDX = 9

ultrasonicF = 9
ultrasonicB = 9

kemetF = 9
kemetB = 9

SX_Red = 9
SX_Green = 9
SX_Blue = 9
DX_Red = 9
DX_Green = 9
DX_Blue = 9

uvcvalue = 9

SXRcount = 0
SXGcount = 0
SXBcount = 0
DXRcount = 0
DXGcount = 0
DXBcount = 0

def callback_linefollower(msglinef):
	global followerSX
	global followerSXC
	global followerDXC
	global followerDX
	followerSX = msglinef.followerSX
	followerSXC = msglinef.followerSXC
	followerDXC = msglinef.followerDXC
	followerDX = msglinef.followerDX

def callback_ultrasonic(msgultra):	
	global ultrasonicF
	global ultrasonicB
	ultrasonicF = msgultra.ultrasonicF
	ultrasonicB = msgultra.ultrasonicB

def callback_kemet(msgkemet):	
	global ultrasonicF
	global ultrasonicB
	kemetF = msgkemet.kemetF
	kemetB = msgkemet.kemetB

def callback_colors(msgcolors):
	global SX_Red
	global SX_Green
	global SX_Blue
	global DX_Red
	global DX_Green
	global DX_Blue

	global SXRcount
	global SXGcount
	global SXBcount
	global DXRcount
	global DXGcount
	global DXBcount
	if msgcolors.SX_Red == 1 and SXRcount < 2:
		SXRcount = SXRcount + 1
	elif msgcolors.SX_Red == 1 and SXRcount == 2:
		SX_Red = 1
		SX_Red = 0
		SXRcount = 0
	if msgcolors.SX_Green == 1 and SXGcount < 2:
		SXGcount = SXGcount + 1
	elif msgcolors.SX_Green == 1 and SXGcount == 2:
		SX_Green = 1
		SX_Green = 0
		SXGcount = 0
	if msgcolors.SX_Blue == 1 and SXBcount < 2:
		SXBcount = SXBcount + 1
	elif msgcolors.SX_Blue == 1 and SXBcount == 2:
		SX_Blue = 1
		SX_Blue = 0
		SXBcount = 0

	if msgcolors.DX_Red == 1 and DXRcount < 2:
		DXRcount = DXRcount + 1
	elif msgcolors.DX_Red == 1 and DXRcount == 2:
		DX_Red = 1
		DX_Red = 0
		DXRcount = 0
	if msgcolors.DX_Green == 1 and DXGcount < 2:
		DXGcount = DXGcount + 1
	elif msgcolors.DX_Green == 1 and DXGcount == 2:
		DX_Green = 1
		DX_Green = 0
		DXGcount = 0
	if msgcolors.DX_Blue == 1 and DXBcount < 2:
		DXBcount = DXBcount + 1
	elif msgcolors.DX_Blue == 1 and DXBcount == 2:
		DX_Blue = 1
		DX_Blue = 0
		DXBcount = 0

def callback_uvcvalue(msguvc):
	global uvcvalue
	uvcvalue = msguvc.data

if __name__ == '__main__':
	pub_drivers = rospy.Publisher("drivers", drivers_msg, queue_size = 10)
	pub_uvcontrol = rospy.Publisher("uvcontrol", uvcontrol_msg, queue_size = 10)
	sub_linefollower = rospy.Subscriber("linefollower", linefollower_msg, callback_linefollower)	
	sub_ultrasonic = rospy.Subscriber("ultrasonic", ultrasonic_msg, callback_ultrasonic)	
	sub_kemet = rospy.Subscriber("kemet", kemet_msg, callback_kemet)	
	sub_colors = rospy.Subscriber("colors", colors_msg, callback_colors)
	sub_uvcvalue = rospy.Subscriber("uvcvalue", Int8, callback_uvcvalue)
	msgdri = drivers_msg()
	msguvc = uvcontrol_msg()	
	rate = rospy.Rate(10)
	inc = 0
	incuvc = 0
	stop = 0
	SX_Red_last = 0
	SX_Green_last = 0
	SX_Blue_last = 0
	DX_Red_last = 0
	DX_Green_last = 0
	DX_Blue_last = 0
	h_move = 0
	while not rospy.is_shutdown():
		incuvc = incuvc + 1
		msguvc.inc = incuvc
		inc = inc + 1
		msgdri.inc = inc
		msgdri.direction = 0
		if uvcvalue_test == 1:	# -------- UV-C present --------
			if ultrasonicF == 1 or ultrasonicB == 1 or kemetF == 1 or kemetB == 1:	# -------- pause --------
				msgdri.rotation = 0
				msgdri.velocity = 0
				msguvc.on = 0 			# UV-C Lamps off - vertical
				msguvc.horizontal = 0 	# vertical
			else:	# Line follower
				msgdri.velocity = 20
				if followerDXC == 0:		# -------- turn left --------
					msgdri.rotation = 1
					if h_move == 0:
						msguvc.on = 1 			# UV-C Lamps on - vertical
						msguvc.horizontal = 0 	# UV-C Lamps on - vertical
					stop = 0
				elif followerSXC == 0:		# -------- turn right --------
					msgdri.rotation = 3
					if h_move == 0:
						msguvc.on = 1 			# UV-C Lamps on - vertical
						msguvc.horizontal = 0 	# UV-C Lamps on - vertical
					stop = 0
				elif followerSX == 1 and followerSXC == 1 and followerDXC == 1 and followerDX == 1:	# -------- stop --------
					msgdri.rotation = 0
					msgdri.velocity = 0
					msguvc.on = 0 			# UV-C Lamps off - vertical
					msguvc.horizontal = 0 	# vertical
					stop = 1
					msgdri.rotation = 2	# go straight ahead
					if h_move == 0:
						msguvc.on = 1 			# UV-C Lamps on - vertical
						msguvc.horizontal = 0 	# UV-C Lamps on - vertical
					stop = 0

				# Colors SX				
				if stop == 0 and SX_Red == 1 and SX_Red_last != 1:		# UVGI point - vertical
					SX_Red_last = 1
					msgdri.rotation = 0
					msgdri.velocity = 0
					msguvc.on = 1 						# UV-C Lamps off - vertical
					msguvc.horizontal = 0 				# vertical
					rospy.sleep(12)						# 12 seconds
				elif SX_Red == 0 and SX_Red_last == 1:
					SX_Red_last = 0
				elif stop == 0 and SX_Blue == 1:		# UVGI point - horizontal
					SX_Blue_last = 1
					msgdri.rotation = 0
					msgdri.velocity = 0
					msguvc.on = 1 						# UV-C Lamps on - vertical
					msguvc.horizontal = 1 				# horizontal
					rospy.sleep(12)						# 12 seconds
				elif SX_Blue == 0 and SX_Blue_last == 1:
					SX_Blue_last = 0	
				elif stop == 0 and SX_Green == 1 and h_move == 0 and DX_Green_last == 0:	# UVGI point - horizontal in movement
					DX_Green_last = 1
					h_move = 1
					msguvc.on = 1 			# UV-C Lamps on - vertical
					msguvc.horizontal = 1 	# UV-C Lamps on - vertical
				elif SX_Green == 0 and DX_Green_last == 1:
					DX_Green_last = 0
				elif stop == 0 and SX_Green == 1 and h_move == 1 and DX_Green_last == 0:
					DX_Green_last = 1
					h_move = 0
		else:	# -------- UV-C not present --------
			msgdri.rotation = 0
			msgdri.velocity = 0
			msguvc.on = 0 				# UV-C Lamps off - vertical
			msguvc.horizontal = 0 		# UV-C Lamps on - vertical


Mario Soranno

Mario Soranno

9 projects • 24 followers
I have a Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering - Electronics. I am an expert in hardware design, I can program in C/C++,Python and ROS
