COVID19 is upon us, as a hacker and maker, I realized that although I want to help, but majority of the prototypes, ideas we built never come to fruition, and while we try to innovate and invent new solutions, there are people in hospitals that actually needs our help with our equipment and resources. This isn't a time for thinking and building new ideas, but to help those who are in front line.
COVID-19 Faceshields equipments neededFace shields, N95 masks and other personal protective equipment are the most in need. In this article we will go through step by step guide on how build and make something through your own 3D printer and make a difference in your community. You can use any 3D printer, but since Prusa have open sourced their model and is widely liked among the public, we will use theirs for now.
PRUSA have an open sourced face shield that we can use. Easiest way is to download the stl file and put it into a slicer, then 3D print them using a 3D printer. This does not have to be a PRUSA 3D printer, although its preferred as it's their oepn sourced shield. You can find it via
For those who have laser cutter this step is relatively simple, but even if you don't you can easily do this via paper clipper.
Do the measurement on a regular paper, and cut it accordingly.
After cutting we will have the second piece for the shield
We can now putting these together and into a single face shield prepared for COVID19
These simple parts can be completed, and you can make these and be helpful for COVID19!
Donate to local hospitals near youYou can google hospital, during the crisis, all of them are in need of PPE, I have yet to come to a hospital that doesn't need these.
Personally I donate them in batch of 5 and 10s, but together, we can supply our healthcare workers as much as Personal Protect Equipments (PPE) as possible.
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