Therefore, case you want your own PCB, you can obtain through this link on You can also order good quality PCBS from at low cost. In addition to the standard pcbs, we could also support advanced Pcbs, FPC/rigid -flex Pcbs, rapid-rpototyping and other related services that could meet your needs to the most extent.
PCB order steps on PCBWay:
- Visit the website:
- Click PCB Instant Quote
- Clickquick-order PCB Upload the gerber file by clicking "+Add Gerber File" and wait until the gerber file is finished
- uploading Set the PCB specifications as you wish, starting from the number of PCBs, the number of layers, thickness, color and others
- After that, look at the left, it will display the estimated cost, processing time and delivery service selected
- Click Save to cart
Connect all components to the PCB
Now you need to program the IC atmega328 and set it to the 28 pin IC base of the PCB.Let's see how.
PROGRAMING:-I am programming atmega328p using Arduino Uno here
- Connect Arduino Uno on PC
- Open Arduino IDE (Software)
- Then Go To Tools>Board>Select Arduino Uno
- Select Correct Port
- Upload Code Below
After programming, unplug the ATMEGA328P from the Arduino and set it to the 28 pin IC socket on the PCB.
With this, all work is completed...
- Download and install "Bluetooth Control for Arduino"
- When you turn on Bluetooth you will see "HC-05"
- When you click on it, you will be asked for the password and then type the password is 1234
- Open the app
- At the top you will see some Bluetooth device names, select HC-05
- Click on the "Connection" button
Now our Bluetooth module is connected to the phone.....
If you have any doubts, watch this video (Click Here)
WORKING:-Watch this video (Click Here)
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