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Building an Ardiuno Chess Engine using only 2K of RAM

A complete recursive chess engine implementing the minimax algorithm & 𝛼-β pruning, en-passant, castling, full 6 ply level look ahead in 2K

ExpertFull instructions provided15 minutes552
Building an Ardiuno Chess Engine using only 2K of RAM

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Arduino Nano



Download the project and compile the main MicroChess.ino file. That's it. Watch the engine play itself in the output window. You can choose to have the engine play against you if you wish. Full documentation and project options are in the comments in the source code.


9 projects • 5 followers
30++ yrs development exp. Kernel, Compiler, ML, Sentiment Analysis, Robotics, Embedded, Game Theory, Networking, and Intelligence work.


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