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Make your PC/Mac/Linux host a "Service" for your Arduino!

Use this Python agent that runs on your PC/Mac/Linux host machine to execute command lines on behalf of your Arduino and return the results!

BeginnerFull instructions provided15 minutes195
Make your PC/Mac/Linux host a "Service" for your Arduino!

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 5V
SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 5V

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


Read more


Arduino Nano and an optional FTDI adapter

Connect the TX and RX pins of the FTDI adapter to pins 7 and 8 (respectively) of the Arduino Nano and connect the ground of the FTDI adapter to the ground of the Arduino Nano. That's it!


Example Arduino Sketch that talks with the Python Agent

Example use of the Arduino using the Python Agent running on the host machine. Simply compile and upload the code to your Arduino an open the IDE's serial monitor window. Enter any command line in the 'send' text area and send it!
 * ArduinoCLI.ino
 * Example use of using your PC/Mac/Linux machine
 * as a service for your Arduino projects.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

#define  RX_PIN   7
#define  TX_PIN   8

SoftwareSerial command_serial(RX_PIN, TX_PIN);  // RX, TX

String cmd = "";

void setup() {

void loop() {
    if (Serial.available()) {
        cmd = Serial.readString();
        if (cmd.length()) {
            Serial.print(F("User command \""));
            Serial.println(F("\" received"));

   while (command_serial.available() > 0) {
        String output = command_serial.readString();
        if (output.length() != 0) {

The Python Agent

Modify the file to contain the correct COM port for your Arduino and run it using:

python3 arduino_exec.py

@brief Python Agent for the ArduinoCLI platform. This script allows
communication with Arduino boards, enabling the execution of built-in
commands, macros, and compilation/upload of Arduino code.

See the project repository for full details, installation, and use:

@author Trent M. Wyatt
@date 2023-12-10
@version 1.2

Release Notes:
1.2 - added support for compiling, uploading, and replacing the
      functionality in the current Arduino program flash memory.

1.1 - added support for macro functionality.

1.0 - implemented the basic 'execute and capture output' functionality.

The '&' (compile and upload) operations require the Arduino CLI tool to
be installed on your system. Arduino CLI is a command-line interface that
simplifies interactions with Arduino boards. If you don't have Arduino CLI
installed, you can download it from the official Arduino website:

Follow the installation instructions for your operating system provided
on the Arduino website. Once installed, make sure the 'arduino-cli'
executable is in your system's PATH. The '&' operations use
'arduino-cli compile' and 'arduino-cli upload' commands to compile and
upload Arduino code. Ensure the Arduino CLI commands are accessible
before using the compile and upload functionality.


For Windows Users

C:\> rem Replace 'COM3' with the COM port your Arduino is connected to
C:\> cmd /c python -m arduino_exec.py COM3 2>&1
Waiting for a command from the Arduino...

import subprocess
import argparse
import logging
import signal
import serial
import json
import sys
import os

# A list of abbreviated commands that the Arduino
# can send to run a pre-registered command:
macros = {}

# The logger
logger = None

# The serial port
cmd_serial = None

def parse_args():
    @brief Parse command line arguments.

    Parses the command line arguments using argparse.

    @return argparse.Namespace: The parsed arguments.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='ArduinoCLI Python Agent')
    parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', required=True, help='Serial port name')
    parser.add_argument('-b', '--baud', type=int, default=38400, help='Baud rate')
    return parser.parse_args()

def setup_logger():
    @brief Set up the logger for error logging.

    Configures a logger to log errors to both the console and a file.

    @return None
    global logger

    # Set up logging configuration
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR)  # Set the logging level to ERROR

    file_handler = logging.FileHandler(
    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR)  # Set the logging level to ERROR

def sigint_handler(signum, frame):
    @brief Signal handler for SIGINT (Ctrl+C).

    Handles the SIGINT signal (Ctrl+C) to save macros and exit gracefully.

    @param signum: Signal number
    @param frame: Current stack frame

    @return None
    print(" User hit ctrl-c, exiting.")

def set_signal_handler():
    @brief Set the signal handler for SIGINT.

    Sets the signal handler for SIGINT (Ctrl+C) to sigint_handler.

    @return None
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler)

def open_serial_port(port, baud):
    @brief Open the specified serial port.

    Attempts to open the specified serial port with a timeout of 1 second.

    @param port: The serial port to open.

    @return serial.Serial: The opened serial port.

    @exit If the serial port cannot be opened,
          the program exits with an error message.
    global cmd_serial

        cmd_serial = serial.Serial(port, baud, timeout=0.030)
    except Exception as e:
        result = f"Failed to open the serial port: '{port}'. {str(e)}"

    if not cmd_serial:
        print(f"Could not open the serial port: '{port}'")

    print(f"Successfully opened serial port: '{port}'")
    return cmd_serial

def execute_command(command):
    @brief Execute a command and capture the output.

    Executes a command using subprocess and captures the output.
    If an error occurs, logs the error and returns an error message.

    @param command: The command to execute.

    @return str: The output of the command or an error message.
    print(f"Executing: {command}")  # Output for the user

        result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True,
        return result.decode('utf-8')
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
        errtxt = f"Error executing command: {e}"
        return errtxt
    except Exception as e:
        errtxt = f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}"
        return errtxt

def load_macros(filename='macros.txt'):
    @brief Load macros from a file.

    Attempts to load macros from a specified file.
    If the file is not found, returns an empty dictionary.

    @param filename: The name of the file containing
                     macros (default: 'macros.txt').

    @return dict: The loaded macros.
        with open(filename, 'r') as file:
            return json.load(file)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        return {}

def save_macros(macros, filename='macros.txt'):
    @brief Save macros to a file.

    Saves the provided macros to a specified file.

    @param macros: The macros to save.
    @param filename: The name of the file to save macros
                     to (default: 'macros.txt').

    @return None
    with open(filename, 'w') as file:
        json.dump(macros, file, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

def create_macro(name, command, macros):
    @brief Create a new macro.

    Creates a new macro with the given name and command, and saves it.

    @param name: The name of the new macro.
    @param command: The command associated with the new macro.
    @param macros: The dictionary of existing macros.

    @return None
    macros[name] = command

def read_macro(name, macros):
    @brief Read the command associated with a macro.

    Retrieves the command associated with a given macro name.

    @param name: The name of the macro.
    @param macros: The dictionary of existing macros.

    @return str: The command associated with the macro or an error message.
    return macros.get(name, "Macro not found")

def execute_macro(name, macros):
    @brief Execute a macro.

    Executes the command associated with a given macro name.

    @param name: The name of the macro.
    @param macros: The dictionary of existing macros.

    @return str: The output of the macro command or an error message.
    if name in macros:
        return execute_command(macros[name])
        return f"Macro '{name}' not found"

def delete_macro(name, macros):
    @brief Delete a macro.

    Deletes the specified macro and saves the updated macro list.

    @param name: The name of the macro to delete.
    @param macros: The dictionary of existing macros.

    @return str: Confirmation message or an error message if the
                 macro is not found.
    if name in macros:
        del macros[name]
        return f"Macro '{name}' deleted"
        return f"Macro '{name}' not found"

def compile_and_upload(folder):
    @brief Compile and upload Arduino code.

    Compiles and uploads Arduino code from the specified folder.

    @param folder: The folder containing the Arduino project.

    @return str: Result of compilation and upload process.
    global cmd_serial

    # Check if the specified folder exists
    if not os.path.exists(folder):
        return f"Error: Folder '{folder}' does not exist."

    # Check if the folder contains a matching .ino file
    ino_file = os.path.join(folder, f"{os.path.basename(folder)}.ino")
    if not os.path.isfile(ino_file):
        return f"Error: Folder '{folder}' does not contain a matching .ino file."

    # Define constant part of the compile and upload commands
    PORT_NAME = '/dev/cu.usbserial-41430'
    COMPILE_COMMAND_BASE = 'arduino-cli compile --fqbn arduino:avr:nano'
    UPLOAD_COMMAND_BASE = 'arduino-cli upload -p '
    + PORT_NAME + ' --fqbn arduino:avr:nano:cpu=atmega328old'

    compile_command = f'{COMPILE_COMMAND_BASE} {folder}'
    upload_command = f'{UPLOAD_COMMAND_BASE} {folder}'

    compile_result = execute_command(compile_command)
    print(f"executed: {compile_command}\nresult: {compile_result}")

    upload_result = execute_command(upload_command)
    print(f"executed: {upload_command}\nresult: {upload_result}")

    result = f"Compile Result:\n{compile_result}\n" + "Upload Result:\n{upload_result}"

    return result

def run():
    @brief Main execution function.

    Handles communication with Arduino, waits for commands, and executes them.

    @return None
    global macros
    global cmd_serial

    args = parse_args()
    cmd_serial = open_serial_port(args.port, args.baud)

    macros = load_macros()

    prompted = False
    while True:
        if not prompted:
            print("Waiting for a command from the Arduino...")
            prompted = True

        arduino_command = cmd_serial.readline().decode('utf-8').strip()
        arduino_command = arduino_command.strip()

        if not arduino_command:

        logtext = f"Received command from Arduino: '{arduino_command}'"

        cmd_id = arduino_command[0]     # Extract the first character
        command = arduino_command[1:]   # Extract the remainder of the command
        result = ""

        # Check if the command is an execute command:
        if cmd_id == '!':
            # Dispatch the command to handle built-in commands
            result = execute_command(command)

        # Check if the command is a macro related command:
        elif cmd_id == '@':
            if command in macros:
                result = execute_command(macros[command])

            elif command == "list_macros":
                macro_list = [f'    "{macro}": "{macros[macro]}"'
                              for macro in macros]
                result = "Registered Macros:\n" + "\n".join(macro_list)

            elif command.startswith("add_macro:"):
                _, name, command = command.split(":")
                create_macro(name, command, macros)
                result = f"Macro '{name}' created with command '{command}'"

            elif command.startswith("delete_macro:"):
                _, name = command.split(":")
                result = delete_macro(name, macros)

                result = f"unrecognized macro command: @{command}"
                print(result + '\n')
                cmd_serial.write(result.encode('utf-8') + b'\n')

        # Check if the command is a build and upload command:
        elif cmd_id == '&':
            # Dispatch the compile and avrdude upload
            result = compile_and_upload(command)

        # Check if the command is a Serial Monitor output line
        elif cmd_id == '#':
            # print out the received message
            result = command

            result = f"unrecognized cmd_id: {cmd_id}"
            print(result + '\n')
            cmd_serial.write(result.encode('utf-8') + b'\n')

        # output the results to the display and to the serial port
        for line in result.split('\n'):
            print(line + '\n')
            cmd_serial.write(line.encode('utf-8') + b'\n')

        prompted = False

if __name__ == '__main__':


9 projects • 5 followers
30++ yrs development exp. Kernel, Compiler, ML, Sentiment Analysis, Robotics, Embedded, Game Theory, Networking, and Intelligence work.


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