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James Caska
Published © MIT

Alexa to Walabot Mess-o-Meter: Are We a GO for Ice Cream!

Gamify "keep your room clean" by linking dessert and outsource inspection to Walabot and Alexa to judge if "ice cream is unlocked" tonight.

IntermediateFull instructions provided2 hours1,841

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Walabot Developer Pack
Walabot Developer Pack
Echo Dot
Amazon Alexa Echo Dot

Software apps and online services

Virtual Breadboard App


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VBB Alexa ICE Cream Judge App

Layout of the Alexa Backend Virtual Breadboard App for judging is the ICE Cream is unlocked


Mess-o-Meter Project

Visual Studio C# project based on the Walabot SDK SensorApp project extended with C# SmartHome API Client for pushing data to Virtual Breadboard Alexa Controls. Repository is resources for Virtual Breadboard. Look in the /Walabot directory Direct access here: https://virtualbreadboard.github.io/Walabot/Walabot.html


James Caska

James Caska

18 projects • 33 followers
Creator of VirtualBreadboard
