I found that there was no coverage by TheThingsNetwork in my city, so I decided to buy a gateway (https://www.digitspace.com/products/wireless-iot/lpwan/lora-gateway/lora-wireless-2-channel-gateway-433-868-915mhz?319dd0e800e14c51) and publish this project to help other people decide and set up the gateway. This gateway has 2 channels. This means that you can set up this gateway only to receive messages on both channels, or one channel to receive messages from nodes and the second one to transceive messages to nodes.
I think it's the best cheap gateway if you don't want to deal with a wire connection to raspberry Pi and some LoRa shields, which in many cases can't be configured as LoRa gateways.
After unpacking, you need to screw in the antennas, connect the Ethernet cable and finally the power cable. The next step is to find the IP address of your gateway and connect to it using a web browser. (To find the correct IP address, try looking in the router or trying out the IP scanner application)
Next step is to login to gateway administration. The credentials are Username: root and Password: dragino.
In the top menu you can see the Service tab, where after clicking it the LoRaWan GateWay tab will be displayed. Click here.
There you should configure your gateway to forward messages to TTN. Choose a server according to your location (I live in Europe so I am using eu server). Then you could fill your email and GPS of your gateway. After that choice RadioMode. I am using channel A (1) as receiver and channel B (2) as transceiver. You can use both channels as receivers.
The next step is to set the correct frequencies for your channels according to the frequency plans.
Finally just copy your gateways ID and save your settings. Then login into TTN and go to TTN console.
There just click on Gateways.
And there click on Register Gateway.
Fill there your gateway ID (EUI) and confirm that you're using the legacy packet forwarder. After that fill other information as Frequency plan for your region a Location of your gateway.
Now click on Register Gateway.
Now you should see Status connected.
Congratulations, you just set up and registered your own gateway. That it wasn't hard at all.