Abhijit Mukherjee
Published © LGPL

Disinfection Robot Hanth-x1 | www.Hanthx.com

Necessity is the mother of all inventions. Disinfection Robot "Hanth-x1" is a low-cost robot dedicated to hospital and cleaning companies.

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TUV Technical Data

TUV Technical Data


Code snippet #1

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The main use of this sanitizer is to reduce or eliminate a wide range of microorganisms existing in a specific area. The reference values for dosage are provided to allow the user estimation of the minimum exposure time that needs to be used. These values are only indicative, and therefore, the optimal exposure time should be determined experimentally according to the needs. The dosages values indicated in reference  can be used to estimate the required exposure time according to the following simplified method:

The UV-C dosage received by surface unit (D, expressed in J/cm2) at a given distance (r) from the sanitizer, depends on the power of the emitted UV-C light (P, equal to 8 W for our device) according to this equation:
where L is the length of the UV-C lamps (30 cm) and t is the exposure time expressed in seconds.

Based on this equation, the exposure time can be calculated as follows:

Using this method, a tool to estimate the minimum exposure time to reach the desired dosage for a certain distance from the device (Fig. 5b) was developed and is available in the initial screen of the app controlling the device.


Abhijit Mukherjee

Abhijit Mukherjee

6 projects • 21 followers
