Alex Stepanov
Published © CC BY-NC-SA

HUB75 LED Display Driver

This is custom 5x5cm Arduino UNO board that allows simple connection to HUB75 interface LED displays.

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HUB75 LED Display Driver

Things used in this project

Hardware components

ATmega328 with Arduino Optiboot (Uno)
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Capacitor 22 pF
Capacitor 22 pF
Capacitor 100 nF
Capacitor 100 nF
16 MHz Crystal
16 MHz Crystal
Capacitor 470 µF
Capacitor 470 µF
DC Barrel Power Jack/Connector
Two pins screw terminal block 3.5mm pitch
Pushbutton switch 12mm
SparkFun Pushbutton switch 12mm
DIP Socket, 28 Contacts
Generic Jumper (0.1")
Generic Jumper (0.1")
Male Header 40 Position 1 Row (0.1")
Male Header 40 Position 1 Row (0.1")
Resistor 330 ohm
Resistor 330 ohm
Ribbon Cable Connector 2x8

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

Eagle PCB layout

Gerber files for Seeedstudio Fusion PCB service


Eagle schematic


My library to drive 16x32 led matrix zip

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Clock example

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HUB75driver class

This class allows to drive 16x32 matrix
// Library to drive HUB75 interface 32x16 LED matrix using Arduino Uno
// RGBmatrixPanel Arduino library for Adafruit 
// Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada & Phil Burgess/PaintYourDragon for
// Adafruit Industries used as example, and couple of lines of code taken from it
// Pins usaga compatible with Adafruit RGBmatrixPanel Arduino library
// Pins mapping for HUB75 interface A A0,B A1,C A2,R1 2,R2 5,B1 4,B2 7,G1 3,G2 6,LAT A3,CLK 8,OE 9

#include "HUB75driver.h"

static HUB75driver *activePanel = NULL;


uint8_t HUB75driver::init(boolean dbuf,boolean extra_dim)
	/*Initialisation of matrix
	if dbuf=true double buffering used
	extra_dim alows additional dimming. brightness will reduce by half
	in this case swapBuffers() function need to be called to update picture
	Pin mapping:
	A A0,B A1,C A2,R1 2,R2 5,B1 4,B2 7,G1 3,G2 6,LAT A3,CLK 8,OE 9

	use_dbuf = dbuf;
	swap_needed = 0;
	cp_back_to_front = 0;
	half_brightness = extra_dim;
	activePanel = this; // For interrupt hander

	DDRD = DDRD | B11111100;//sets pins 2 to 7 as outputs without changing the value of pins 0 & 1, which are RX & TX
	DDRC = DDRC | B00001111;//Set pins A0,A1,A2,A3 as output
	DDRB = DDRB | B00000011;//Set pins 8,9 as output
	PORTD = PORTD & B00000011;//Zero to outputs 2 to 7
	PORTC = PORTC & B11111000;//Zero to A0,A1,A2
	PORTB = (PORTB & B11111110) | B00000010;//* - CLK low,9 OE high

	// Allocate and initialize matrix buffer:
	buffsize = 32 * 8 * 3; // x3 = 3 bytes holds 4 planes "packed"
	matrixbuff[0] = (uint8_t *)calloc(buffsize, sizeof(uint8_t));//allocate for single buffer
	if (matrixbuff[0] == NULL) return 1;
	if (dbuf) {//If double buffering used
		matrixbuff[1] = (uint8_t *)calloc(buffsize, sizeof(uint8_t));//Alocate for second buffer
		if (matrixbuff[1] == NULL) return 1;
		display_buffer_index = 0;
		draw_buffer_index = 1;
	else {
		display_buffer_index = 0;
		draw_buffer_index = 0;
	return 0;

	activePanel->drive();//Matrix refrshing function

void HUB75driver::drive()
	This function refreshing matix
	Using 4 bits per color,3 bytes packed like this:
	3 byte per 2 pixels
	32*3 bytes per line
	First 32 bytes bits 7 to 2 is bit 0 in format B2,G2,R2,B1,G1,R1,x,x
	Second 32 bytes bit 1
	Third 32 bytes bit 2
	Bit4 packed in lass two bits of each byte 
	Binary Code Modulation used as it faster then PWM
	Function execution time 24us for bits 0,1,2 and 65us for bit 4

	//*** Debug ***
	//long int time_start = micros();

	uint16_t  addr_pre;
	uint8_t  *ptr,*ptr1,*ptr2;
	img = matrixbuff[display_buffer_index];
	boolean latch_needed = false;

	switch (pwm_count)
	case 0:
	case 1:
	case 3:
		//For bits 0,1,2
		//Calculate starting address for relevant bit
		if (pwm_count == 0) addr_pre = line * 96;
		else if (pwm_count == 1) addr_pre = line * 96 + 32;
		else addr_pre = line * 96 + 64;
		//Pointer to start of buffer
		buffptr = &img[addr_pre];
		ptr = (uint8_t *)buffptr;
		//Clock in data for 32 columns
		//~12us for 32 data shift commands
		//x4 pixels can be driven if 64us period will be selected
			__asm__ (
				pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew
				pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew
				pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew
				pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew
				::[ptr]  "e" (ptr),
				[data] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTD))
				: "r0", "memory"
		latch_needed = true;
	case 7:
		//For bit 3
		//Calculate starting address for relevant bit
		addr_pre = line * 96;
		//Pointers to start of buffer
		buffptr = &img[addr_pre];
		ptr = (uint8_t *)buffptr;
		buffptr = &img[addr_pre + 32];
		ptr1 = (uint8_t *)buffptr;
		buffptr = &img[addr_pre + 64];
		ptr2 = (uint8_t *)buffptr;
		//Clock in data for 32 columns
		//~52us for 32 data shift commands
			__asm__ (
				pew1 pew1 pew1 pew1 pew1 pew1 pew1 pew1
				pew1 pew1 pew1 pew1 pew1 pew1 pew1 pew1
				pew1 pew1 pew1 pew1 pew1 pew1 pew1 pew1
				pew1 pew1 pew1 pew1 pew1 pew1 pew1 pew1
				::[ptr]  "e" (ptr), [ptr1]  "e" (ptr1), [ptr2]  "e" (ptr2),
				[data] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTD))
				: "r1","r0", "memory"
		latch_needed = true;
	case 16:
		if (half_brightness) {
				__asm__ (
					"CLR __tmp_reg__ \n\t"
					pew2 pew2 pew2 pew2 pew2 pew2 pew2 pew2
					pew2 pew2 pew2 pew2 pew2 pew2 pew2 pew2
					pew2 pew2 pew2 pew2 pew2 pew2 pew2 pew2
					pew2 pew2 pew2 pew2 pew2 pew2 pew2 pew2
					::[data] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTD))
					:"r0", "memory"
		latch_needed = true;

	if (latch_needed) {
		//Display clocked in data
		PORTB |= B00000010; //OE high
		PORTC = (PORTC & B11111000) + line; //Select line
		__asm__  (
			"SBI %[portc] , 3\n\t" //LAT high PORTC
			"CBI %[portc] , 3\n\t" //LAT low
			"CBI %[portb] , 1\n\t" //OE low
			::[portc] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTC)), [portb] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTB))
	//Counters for lines and Binary Code Modulation
	if (pwm_count < pwm_count_max) {//15 levels per bit
	else {
		pwm_count = 0;
		if (line < 7) line++;//Line counter 0-7
		else {
			line = 0;
			if (swap_needed==1) {//If double buffering mode
				if (display_buffer_index == 0) {
					display_buffer_index = 1;
					draw_buffer_index = 0;
				else {
					display_buffer_index = 0;
					draw_buffer_index = 1;
				if (cp_back_to_front) memcpy(matrixbuff[draw_buffer_index], matrixbuff[display_buffer_index], buffsize);
				swap_needed = 0;
	//*** Debug ***
	//long elapsed = micros() - time_start;

void HUB75driver::draw_point(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
	/*Function to draw point on matrix
	Coordinates starts from 0,0
	Using 4 bits per color,3 bytes packed like this
	3 byte per 2 pixels
	32*3 bytes per line
	First 32 bytes is bit 0 in format B2,G2,R2,B1,G1,R1,x,x
	Second 32 bytes bit 1
	Third 32 bytes bit 2
	Bit4 packed in lass two bits of each byte
	First byte B2G2
	Second R2B1
	THird G1R1

	if (x < 0 || x>31 || y < 0 || y>15) return;

	uint16_t addr_0, addr_1, addr_2;
	uint16_t base = (y%8) * 96;//32*3=96
	addr_0 = base + x;
	addr_1 = addr_0 + 32;
	addr_2 = addr_0 + 64;
	uint8_t  *ptr, *ptr1, *ptr2,*img_ptr;
	img_ptr = matrixbuff[draw_buffer_index];
	buffptr = &img_ptr[addr_0];
	ptr = (uint8_t *)buffptr;
	buffptr = &img_ptr[addr_1];
	ptr1 = (uint8_t *)buffptr;
	buffptr = &img_ptr[addr_2];
	ptr2 = (uint8_t *)buffptr;
	if (y < 8) {
		//Set bits 4,3,2 - B1,G1,R1
		__asm__ (
			: [r] "r" (r), [g] "r" (g), [b] "r" (b), [bit] "I" (0), [ptr] "e" (ptr)
			:"r16", "memory"
		__asm__ (
			: [r] "r" (r), [g] "r" (g), [b] "r" (b), [bit] "I" (1), [ptr] "e" (ptr1)
			: "r16","memory"
		__asm__ (
			: [r] "r" (r), [g] "r" (g), [b] "r" (b), [bit] "I" (2), [ptr] "e" (ptr2)
			: "r16", "memory"
		__asm__ (
			: [r] "r" (r), [g] "r" (g), [b] "r" (b), [ptr1] "e" (ptr1), [ptr2] "e" (ptr2)
			: "r16", "memory"
	else {
		//Set bits 7,6,5 - B2,G2,R2
		__asm__ (
			: [r] "r" (r), [g] "r" (g), [b] "r" (b), [bit] "I" (0), [ptr] "e" (ptr)
			: "r16", "memory"
		__asm__ (
			: [r] "r" (r), [g] "r" (g), [b] "r" (b), [bit] "I" (1), [ptr] "e" (ptr1)
			: "r16", "memory"
		__asm__ (
			: [r] "r" (r), [g] "r" (g), [b] "r" (b), [bit] "I" (2), [ptr] "e" (ptr2)
			: "r16", "memory"
		__asm__ (
			: [r] "r" (r), [g] "r" (g), [b] "r" (b), [ptr] "e" (ptr), [ptr1] "e" (ptr1)
			: "r16", "memory"

void HUB75driver::clear()
	//Clear panel
	memset(matrixbuff[draw_buffer_index], 0, buffsize);

void HUB75driver::swapBuffers(boolean cp_old)
	//If double buffer mode used this function need to be called each time new information 
	//need to be displayed
	//Only flag raised here Actual swap will be synchronised with end of frame
	if (use_dbuf) {
		swap_needed = 1;
		cp_back_to_front = cp_old;

void HUB75driver::start()
	//Start refreshing Nothing will be displayed before this function called
	//Set timer1
	cli();// disable global interrupts
	TCCR1A = 0;// set entire TCCR1A register to 0
	TCCR1B = 0;// same for TCCR1B
	TCNT1 = 0;//initialize counter value to 0

	TCCR1B |= (1 << CS10); //No prescaller
	TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12);//CTC mode
	if (half_brightness) {
		OCR1A = 496;//31nsec
		pwm_count_max = 32;
	else {
		OCR1A = 992;//992-62nsec
		pwm_count_max = 16;

	TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A); // enable timer compare interrupt
	sei();//allow interrupts

void HUB75driver::debug() {
	pwm_count_max = 16;

HUB75driver class header file

// HUB75driver.h

#ifndef _HUB75DRIVER_h
#define _HUB75DRIVER_h

#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
	#include "arduino.h"
	#include "WProgram.h"

#define bit0 B00000001
#define bit1 B00000010
#define bit2 B00000100
#define bit3 B00001000
#define RSTBITSRGB1 B11100011
#define RSTBITSRGB2 B00011111

//Assembly cod for bits 0,1,2
#define pew "ld  __tmp_reg__, %a[ptr]+"    "\n\t"   \
      "out %[data]    , __tmp_reg__" "\n\t"   \
      "SBI 5 , 0"     "\n\t"   \
      "CBI 5 , 0"     "\n\t"

//Assembly cod for bit 3
#define pew1 "ld  __tmp_reg__, %a[ptr]+"    "\n\t"   \
      "bst __tmp_reg__,1 " "\n\t"   \
      "bld r1 , 7 " "\n\t"   \
      "bst __tmp_reg__,0 " "\n\t"   \
      "bld r1,6 " "\n\t"   \
	  "ld  __tmp_reg__, %a[ptr1]+"    "\n\t"   \
	  "bst __tmp_reg__,1 " "\n\t"   \
	  "bld r1,5 " "\n\t"   \
	  "bst __tmp_reg__,0 " "\n\t"   \
	  "bld r1,4 " "\n\t"   \
	  "ld  __tmp_reg__, %a[ptr2]+"    "\n\t"   \
	  "bst __tmp_reg__,1 " "\n\t"   \
	  "bld r1,3 " "\n\t"   \
	  "bst __tmp_reg__,0 " "\n\t"   \
	  "bld r1,2 " "\n\t"   \
      "out %[data]    , r1" "\n\t"   \
      "SBI 5 , 0"     "\n\t"   \
      "CBI 5 , 0"     "\n\t"

#define copy_bitl "ld  r16, %a[ptr]" "\n\t"\
	"bst %[b] , %[bit] " "\n\t"\
	"bld r16 , 4 " "\n\t"\
	"bst %[g] , %[bit] " "\n\t"\
	"bld r16 , 3 " "\n\t"\
	"bst %[r] , %[bit] " "\n\t"\
	"bld r16 , 2 " "\n\t"\
	"st %a[ptr] , r16 \n\t"

#define copy_bith "ld  r16, %a[ptr]" "\n\t"\
	"bst %[b] , %[bit] " "\n\t"\
	"bld r16 , 7 " "\n\t"\
	"bst %[g] , %[bit] " "\n\t"\
	"bld r16 , 6 " "\n\t"\
	"bst %[r] , %[bit] " "\n\t"\
	"bld r16 , 5 " "\n\t"\
	"st %a[ptr] , r16 \n\t"

#define copy_bitl3 \
	"ld  r16, %a[ptr1] \n\t" \
	"bst %[b] , 3   \n\t" \
	"bld r16 , 0  \n\t" \
	"st %a[ptr1] , r16 \n\t" \
	"ld  r16, %a[ptr2]" "\n\t" \
	"bst %[g] , 3  \n\t" \
	"bld r16 , 1  \n\t" \
	"bst %[r] , 3  \n\t" \
	"bld r16 , 0  \n\t" \
	"st %a[ptr2] , r16 \n\t"

#define copy_bith3 \
	"ld  r16, %a[ptr] \n\t" \
	"bst %[b] , 3   \n\t" \
	"bld r16 , 1  \n\t" \
	"bst %[g] , 3  \n\t" \
	"bld r16 , 0  \n\t" \
	"st %a[ptr] , r16 \n\t" \
	"ld  r16, %a[ptr1]" "\n\t" \
	"bst %[r] , 3  \n\t" \
	"bld r16 , 1  \n\t" \
	"st %a[ptr1] , r16 \n\t"

//Assembly code to switch off all pixels
#define pew2 "out %[data]    , __tmp_reg__" "\n\t"   \
      "SBI 5 , 0"     "\n\t"   \
      "CBI 5 , 0"     "\n\t"

//#define push_bit0
class HUB75driver
	uint8_t init(boolean dbuf=false, boolean extra_dim=false);
	void drive();
	void draw_point(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);
	void clear();
	void swapBuffers(boolean cp_old = false);
	void start();
	void debug();

	uint8_t         *matrixbuff[2],pwm_count_max;
	boolean use_dbuf,half_brightness,cp_back_to_front;
	volatile uint8_t pwm_count,line,display_buffer_index,draw_buffer_index,swap_needed;
	int buffsize;
	volatile uint8_t *buffptr, *img;


Scrolling text example

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Temperature display example uses Adafruit library

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Alex Stepanov
4 projects • 22 followers
Analog engineer
