I've been using some of my spare time to design boards, testing garden and weareable electronics and testing things I had in my lab, in order to slowly have fun again with my electronics.
Wio TerminalBefore going further I'd like to start with Wio Terminal. The nice people of seeed sent me a Wio Terminal to test it out, although at the moment the resources weren't as nice as now and the implementation with Arduino, my main and favourite IDE, didn't work very well and needed a few hours to get an example running, which frustrated me (The port kept messing up, the uploading therefore failed, etc) but I didn't want to write with su little testing. Last couple of months, though, they launched some veeery nice libraries and configuration files for Arduino, so now it works like a charm! I found myself very happy to have the opportunity of testing it again.
Wio terminal is a IoT focused open sourced device that is handy for different communication protocols, but it has a lot of things, let's take a look:
The best thing actually, apart from the protocols that let me test out the JTAG and use it for education, is the pinout and networking.
Plants!You see, this is an ideal device for my gardening projects. In my case I created a simple plant-human translator based in plant needs. If the plant needs you, it will tell you, also working with solar energy using usb C.
I basically take advantage of the pinout to connect a photoresistor and a soil humidity sensor and adapt the code in order to check if that's dry/wet, light or not light enough. In order to check the details of the needs I programmed the 3 buttons that the Wio already has to give extra information. Check the code here. Some things I want to add: Wifi connection to my Vocore2 for making a plant monitoring wireless point, maybe ML to learn about the plant needs and more. I'd also like to transform the prototype into a nice PCB that works with the Wio (or maybe arduino with display).
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