Alvaro Viebrantz
Published © MIT

Build A WeatherStation Using Google IoT Core And MongooseOS

Collecting massive amount of data, with a managed and serverless architecture so you don’t get yourself burned in the process.

IntermediateFull instructions provided4 hours3,039
Build A WeatherStation Using Google IoT Core And MongooseOS

Things used in this project

Hardware components

thingSoC ESP32 WiFi Module
thingSoC ESP32 WiFi Module
NodeMCU ESP8266 Breakout Board
NodeMCU ESP8266 Breakout Board
DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor (3 pins)
DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor (3 pins)

Software apps and online services

Mongoose OS
Mongoose OS
Cloud IoT Core
Google Cloud IoT Core
Google Firebase
Google BigQuery


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Schematic image


Code snippet #1

Plain text
# Install beta components:
gcloud components install beta
# Authenticate with Google Cloud:
gcloud auth login
# Create cloud project — choose your unique project name:
gcloud projects create YOUR_PROJECT_NAME
# Set current project
gcloud config set project YOUR_PROJECT_NAME

Code snippet #5

Plain text
# Add permissions for IoT Core
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding YOUR_PROJECT_NAME --role=roles/pubsub.publisher
# Create PubSub topic for device data:
gcloud beta pubsub topics create telemetry-topic
# Create PubSub subscription for device data:
gcloud beta pubsub subscriptions create --topic telemetry-topic telemetry-subscription
# Create device registry:
gcloud beta iot registries create weather-station-registry --region us-central1 --event-pubsub-topic=telemetry-topic

Code snippet #11

Plain text
$ mos console
Using port /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
[Oct 15 18:17:47.230] pm open,type:2 0
[Oct 15 18:17:47.234] mgos_sntp_ev         SNTP reply from time 1508102268.124028, local 15.317275, delta 1508102252.806753
[Oct 15 18:17:47.448] mgos_mqtt_ev         MQTT CONNACK 4
[Oct 15 18:17:47.455] mgos_mqtt_ev         MQTT Disconnect
[Oct 15 18:17:47.463] mqtt_global_reconnec MQTT connecting after 2017 ms
[Oct 15 18:17:48.167] Info: {"hum":34,"temp":30,"free_ram":35.593750,"total_ram":51.218750} 
[Oct 15 18:17:49.487] mgos_mqtt_global_con MQTT connecting to

Code snippet #12

Plain text
$ gcloud beta pubsub subscriptions pull --auto-ack telemetry-subscription
│                            DATA                           │    MESSAGE_ID   │                                                                                    ATTRIBUTES                                                                                   │
│ {"hum":35,"temp":32,"free_ram":167344,"total_ram":253928} │ 158362578982703 │ deviceId=esp32_02455C deviceNumId=2799497560622332 deviceRegistryId=weather-station-registry deviceRegistryLocation=us-central1 projectId=weather-station-iot-170004 subFolder= │



Alvaro Viebrantz
3 projects • 25 followers
Google Developer Expert for IoT and Google Developers Group Cuiabá organizer. Public speaker on themes like Mobile, IoT and Cloud Computing.
