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Alex Merchen

Car Alarm Tracker

Create a device that will send you a text when your car's alarm goes off.

IntermediateFull instructions provided3 hours2,875
Car Alarm Tracker

Things used in this project


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Hologram Texting

This is the program to run. I saved it as \home\pi\test.py on my raspberry pi.
from Hologram.HologramCloud import HologramCloud
import audioop
import pyaudio
import time

credentials = {'devicekey':'12345678'}
hologram = HologramCloud(credentials, network='cellular',authentication_type='csrpsk')

# this is the threshold that determines whether or not sound is detected. The higher the number, the louder it is
# according to 

p = pyaudio.PyAudio()

chunk = 22050

# 'rate' specifies the desired sampling rate in Hz (samples/seconds)
# 'channels' specify the desired number of channels
# 'input' specifies whether this is an input stream - defaults to False
# 'output' specifies whether this is an output stream - defaults to False
# 'frames_per_buffer' specifies the number of frames per buffer (samples)
# the 'frames_per_buffer' divided by the 'rate' will determine how long the period we're sampling will be
# For example: 22050/44100 = 0.5 seconds so each data chunk will be for 0.5 seconds
# stream will open 
stream = p.open(format=pyaudio.paInt16,

#open your audio stream    

# countAboveThreshold specifies the number of chunks that are above the threshold value
countAboveThreshold = 0

# countSinceLastThreshold specifies the number of chunks that have occurred since the last threshold
# if the countSinceLastThreshold is above a certain number, we reset the countAboveThreshold
countSinceLastThreshold = 0

# wait until the sound data breaks some level threshold
while True:
    # data is the chunk of information from the current stream
    data = stream.read(chunk)
    # take the rms value of that and set it to be rms
    rms = audioop.rms(data,2)
    # if rms is greater than the threshold level
    #print rms
    if rms > THRESHOLD:
        # increase the countAboveThreshold
        countAboveThreshold += 1
        # reset the countSinceLastThreshold
        countSinceLastThreshold = 0
        # if the countAboveThreshold is above 5 (that means that there have been 2.5 seconds of a loud noise)
        if countAboveThreshold > 5:
            # reset coundAboveThreshold
            countAboveThreshold = 0
            # reset the countSinceLastThreshold
            countSinceLastThreshold = 0
            # Send a text message alerting the user that their car is going off and they should look into it
            hologram.sendSMS("+112345678","Your car's alarm is currently going off")

    # if the countAboveThreshold is above 0 that means that we have heard at least one loud noise
    if countAboveThreshold > 0:
        # increase the countSinceLastThreshold by 1
        countSinceLastThreshold += 1
        # if the countSinceLastThreshold is above 9 that means that there has been at least 5 seconds since the last loud noise
        if countSinceLastThreshold > 9:
            # reset the countAboveThreshold. This indicates that the loud noise wasn't long enough to be important
            countAboveThreshold = 0
            # reset the countSinceLastThreshold
            countSinceLastThreshold = 0


Alex Merchen

Alex Merchen

24 projects • 39 followers
I'm an EE with a Masters in ECE. I like building things.
