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Created January 16, 2020 © MIT

Badger BOAT( Buoyancy Operated Autonomous Vehicle)

A completely autonomous dual motor solar powered electric boat for extreme distance travel and environmental monitoring.

IntermediateFull instructions providedOver 1 day63
Badger BOAT( Buoyancy Operated Autonomous Vehicle)

Things used in this project

Hardware components

NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit
NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit
Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
Netgear nighthawk router
Victor SPX Motor Controller
12V 36lb Newport Trolling Motor
Garmin GPS 18x OEM
SICK Lidar TiM781
ExpandaCraft Hulls
12V Valence Batteries
KNACRO DC 12V to 5V 3A

Software apps and online services

NVIDIA Jetpack


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

Prototype BOAT frame

A prototype frame for the BOAT hull design.


Basic circuit diagram layout.

This is the general layout of power routing throughout the system.

Main PDF of research and project

This was a required document required for the class in which we made it. This contains a lot of unneeded information to this competition but may still be useful.


Motor Controller Arduino Software

Takes data from the autonomous section and then creates a PWM signal for the motor controllers
#define INPUT_SIZE 30
int leftMot = 3;
int rightMot = 9;

int fRange = 63;
int bRange = 85;

int neutralVal = 187;
int leftSerialIn = 0; //val from AI
int rightSerialIn = 0; //val from AI as int

char * leftChar;
char * rightChar;
String incomingStr;
//char * incomingCharArray;

char leftDelimiter = '_';
char rightDelimiter = '&';

void setup() {
  pinMode(leftMot, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(rightMot, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  if (!Serial.available() > 0) {
    incomingStr = Serial.readStringUntil('&');
    int str_len = incomingStr.length() + 1; 
    char incomingCharArray[str_len];
    leftChar = strtok(incomingCharArray, &leftDelimiter);
    rightChar = strtok(NULL, &rightDelimiter);
    leftSerialIn = atoi(rightChar);
    rightSerialIn = atoi(leftChar);


  if (leftSerialIn == 0) {
    analogWrite(leftMot, neutralVal);
  } else if (leftSerialIn > 0) {
    //forward left
    analogWrite(leftMot, int((fRange * (abs(leftSerialIn / (double)100))) + 191));
  } else if (leftSerialIn < 0) {
    analogWrite(leftMot, int((bRange * (1 - abs(leftSerialIn / (double)100))) + 100));
    analogWrite(leftMot, neutralVal);
  if (rightSerialIn == 0) {
    analogWrite(rightMot, neutralVal);
  } else if (rightSerialIn > 0) {
    //forward left
    analogWrite(rightMot, int((fRange * (abs(rightSerialIn / (double)100))) + 191));
  } else if (rightSerialIn < 0) {
    analogWrite(rightMot, int((bRange * (1 - abs(rightSerialIn / (double)100))) + 100));
    analogWrite(rightMot, neutralVal);

Moos IVP Control software




1 project • 0 followers
Jake Rymsza

Jake Rymsza

0 projects • 0 followers
Thanks to Manasi Srirangarajan, Allison Conrad, and Thomas Kelly.
