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Bowen Feng
Published © LGPL

Hiking Pal

Sharing the location and path with your friends on a map in real time. Take control over your entire hiking group.

AdvancedFull instructions providedOver 4 days1,737

Things used in this project

Hardware components

AT&T Cellular IoT Starter Kit
Avnet AT&T Cellular IoT Starter Kit
Use the AT&T IoT solution to enable the in-the-field realtime data exchange.
AT&T IoT Starter Kits
Seeed Studio Xadow GPS v2

Software apps and online services

AT&T Flow
AT&T Flow
Provide the server side business logic. Managing the hiking sessions. Handling data reported by each device.
PubNub Publish/Subscribe API
PubNub Publish/Subscribe API
The realtime location from each device is eventually published to PubNub and received by the Javascript client subscribers to render the realtime map
Google Maps
Google Maps
Showing the realtime location and path for each hiker in a hiking group
Arm mbed Compiler
Used to programming the AT&T IoT device
Used to host the realtime map web page.

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Solder the headers/wires for the Xadow GPS module


Read more


Wire up Xadow I2C GPS through PMOD port


Hiking Pal Realtime Map

This is the realtime map showing the path/locations of all hikers in a hiking group. It listen to the PubNub topic to get update, and draw paths on top of the Google maps view.


Bowen Feng

Bowen Feng

0 projects • 13 followers
Professional software engineer Hardware hobbyist Strength training enthusiast
Thanks to AT&T / Avnet and PubNub.
