Brian Chamberlain
Published © CERN-OHL

Swimming Pool Water Sensor

Build your own high-quality water sensor to monitor your pool or spa.

AdvancedWork in progress10 hours14,803
Swimming Pool Water Sensor

Things used in this project


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Custom parts and enclosures

V2 Enclosure cap (w USB slot)

This is the cap for the soft enclosure. It also has the PCB mounting slot

V2 Enclosure probe mount bottom

This is the bottom part of the soft enclosure that holds the probes and inflation valve


System block diagram

File missing, please reupload.

PCB Desgin


V2 Code

Firmware for Particle core

/* EZO Circuit Serial Default
 9600 bps
 8 data bits
 1 stop bit
 no parity
 no flow control 

// EZO LED notes
// If LED has not been disabled the comms mode is reported as:
// LED is solid Green --> UART mode
// LED is solid Blue ---> I2C mode

int incomingByte = 0;

// For Atlas EZO comms
int orpAddr = 0x62; // ORP EZO I2C default address
int phAddr = 0x63; // PH EZO I2C default address
int tempAddr = 0x66; // Temp EZO I2C default address
int cmdDelay = 1100;  // docs say wait 1 second (or 600ms for some) after read command. Giving a 10% buffer.

// For Sparkfun Si7021 board comms
int tmpHumAddr = 0x40; //Sparkfun Si7021 I2C default address
float reading = 0.0;
int mCode = 0;

String cmdEvent = "CMD_RESP";
String dbgEvent = "DEBUG";

// Lb_ for librato
String tempEvent = "Lib_TEMP";
String phEvent = "Lib_PH";
String orpEvent = "Lib_ORP";

// Internal temp/hum measurments
String iTempEvent = "Lib_ITEMP";
String iHumEvent = "Lib_IHUM";

// Sleep flags
// EZO low power sleep
bool ezoSleep = true;

void setup() {

  // Setting up Serial to talk to the local EZO chip
  //Serial1.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1);
  // Setting I2C (default 100kHz) to talk to remote EZO chips

  // delay waiting for EZO boot
  // Factory reset (if needed)
  //wireCommand(orpAddr, "Factory");
  // Put a device back in UART mode
  //wireCommand(tempAddr, "Baud,9600");
  //wireReadPublish("BaudCMD", tempAddr);
  // --Only for the EZO temp module--
  // Turn off continuous mode where
  // the ezo circuit sends readings non-stop
  // [note: LED blinks green each time a reading is sent]
  wireCommand(tempAddr, "C,0");
  wireReadPublish(cmdEvent, tempAddr);

void loop() {
  // ---- probe readings -----
  //Reading Temperature via I2C
  managedEZOReading(tempEvent, tempAddr);
  // Reading ORP via I2C
  managedEZOReading(orpEvent, orpAddr);

  // Reading pH via I2C
  managedEZOReading(phEvent, phAddr);

  // ---- internal sensor readings -----
  // Slightly different dance for the Si7021 data
  // Reading iternal chassis temp
  mCode = wireTakeMeasure(tmpHumAddr, 0xE3); //Command for Temp 
  reading = (175.25*mCode/65536)-46.85;
  ppub(iTempEvent, String::format("%.3f", reading));
  // Reading internal chassis humidity
  mCode = wireTakeMeasure(tmpHumAddr, 0xE5); //Command for Relative Humidity
  reading = (125.0*mCode/65536)-6;
  ppub(iHumEvent, String::format("%.3f", reading));
  // --- sleeping ------
  //System.sleep(SLEEP_MODE_DEEP, 300); //Sleep for 5min
  delay(6000); //chill for a min

// Manages the EZO circuit lifecyle: wake, read, sleep, publish
// Takes the name of event to publish (string) and device addr I2C (int)
void managedEZOReading(String eventName, int ezoAddr) {
  if (ezoSleep) {
  wireCommand(ezoAddr, "R");
  wireReadPublish(eventName, ezoAddr);
  if (ezoSleep){

void putToSleep(int addr){
  wireCommand(addr, "Sleep");

void wakeFromSleep(int addr){
  // Any command will wake the device
  wireCommand(addr, "R");

// Reads the wire while data is available. Extracts the reading
// and formats it into a string as the return value.
String wireGetFormattedReading(int addr){
  char respBuffer[32]; // Allocated response buffer 
  int rIdx = 0;
  double reading = 0.0;
  Wire.requestFrom(addr, 8); //I2C reading is "no longer than 8 bytes"
  while(Wire.available()) {
    respBuffer[rIdx] =;
  if(rIdx > 0){
    respBuffer[rIdx] = '\0'; // Terminate the buffer with null char
    reading = getDouble(respBuffer); // Extract double from char buffer
    return String::format("%.3f", reading); //Format reading as string
  else {
    return "???";

// Shorthand method to read/publish
void wireReadPublish(String eventName, int addr) {
  String reading = wireGetFormattedReading(addr);
  ppub(eventName, reading);

// Added specifically to read the Sparkfun sensor from I2C
// Was being lazy so I lifted it from 
// And made some slight modifications...
int wireTakeMeasure(int addr, int command){
    int nBytes = 3; // fresh readings are 3 bytes long
    Wire.requestFrom(addr, nBytes);
    // When not using clock stretching (*_NOHOLD commands) delay here
    // is needed to wait for the measurement.
    // According to datasheet the max. conversion time is ~22ms
    Wire.requestFrom(addr, nBytes);
        //Wait for data
    int counter = 0;
    while (Wire.available() < nBytes){
      counter ++;
      if (counter >100){
        // Timeout: Sensor did not return any data
        return 100;

    unsigned int msb =;
    unsigned int lsb =;
    // Clear the last to bits of LSB to 00.
    // According to datasheet LSB of RH is always xxxxxx10
    lsb &= 0xFC;
    int mesurment = msb << 8 | lsb;
    return mesurment;

// Optionally used during debugging/prototyping
// The EZO sensors can do serial from their TX RX pins
// This function reads from serial1 on the photon.
// NOTE: Serial1 must be initialied in setup()
void serialReadPublish(String dataName){
  char respBuffer[32]; // Allocated response buffer 
  int rIdx = 0;
  while(Serial1.available() < 0){
    // After issuing Command, EZO circuit takes 1 second to respond
  while(Serial1.available() > 0){
    incomingByte =;   
    respBuffer[rIdx] = (char) incomingByte;
  if(rIdx > 0){
    respBuffer[rIdx] = '-';
    // Transmit buffer
    ppub(dataName, String(respBuffer));

// serialCommand - Serial1Print a command string
void serialCommand(String cmd){
  //dbug("Serial<" + cmd + ">");
  Serial1.print(cmd + "\r"); // Serial commands must terminate with CR char

// wireCommand - I2C send command to device
void wireCommand(int addr, String cmd){
  //dbug("Wire<" + String(addr) + ":" + cmd + ">");
  Wire.write(cmd + "\0"); // I2C to EZO must terminate with the NULL char (ASCII 0)

void dbug(String msg){
  ppub(dbgEvent, "DEBUG:" + msg);

// ppub - ParticlePublish
void ppub(String dataName, String dataVal){
  Particle.publish(dataName, dataVal, 60, PRIVATE);

// From
double getDouble(const char *str)
    /* First skip non-digit characters */
    /* Special case to handle negative numbers and the `+` sign */
    while (*str && !(isdigit(*str) || ((*str == '-' || *str == '+') && isdigit(*(str + 1)))))

    /* The parse to a double */
    return strtod(str, NULL);

Project Repo

The project files in github


Brian Chamberlain
11 projects • 21 followers
Hi! I am a software engineer who enjoys hacking on hardware on the side. My interests are in DIY projects for the home, IOT, and 3D printing
