Picture this you are going on a vacation for a week or so and are worried about your house plant at home.Here is a great project to under take a week before you head out for your vacation.
Build yourself a plant monitoring and notification system with the following feature
- Monitor the Temperature,Light Value and Soil moisture value using dweet.io
- OR using the new Amazon IoT service to log data to AWS - DynamoDB
- Use AWS -SNS notification, to send out an email to yourself, so that you can inform your cousin/neighbor to quickly water the plant or check on your thermostat at home.
In addition, I have designed a 3D printed enclosure, to house the Arduino Yun , grove shield and sensors.
If you are interested to check out how my plant is doing here is the link
Here are the steps you will need to perform to complete the build
#1 Build the circuit using the Grove connector shield as shown in the schematic section of the project, basically connect the
- Temperature sensor to A0
- Soil Moisture sensor to A1
- Light sensor to A2
- And using a 220 Ohms resistor connect an LED to pin#2
#2 3D print the STL files , attached in the custom part and enclosure section , here you have 3 STL files to print , set your slicing software to 0.3 mm layer height and a fill density of at-least 25% or higher
3D printing should take about 2 hours , so download the STL files and fir up your 3D printer while you complete the other steps below
#3 Determining the Soil Moisture Value
Upload the code attached below(soil moisture value) to your Arduino Yun and determine the tooDryValue in the code below.Basically if the value of the soil moisture falls below tooDryValue you need to water the plant.(and this value is the value that you will use in AWS-SNS condition to send an email)
Here is the video of showing the method I used to determine the toodryvalue
#4 Upload Arduino code to Yun to post data to dweet.io
Now once you have decide on the toodryvalue , upload the ArduinoYunDweetIO.ino file to the Yun, And as part of the code also replace "PlantMonitorTorontoON" to something more meaning full for you.
Here is video testing the Upload of sensor data to dweet.io
#5 Setting up AWS CLI on your computer (here I am using a Mac)
Now to log data using AWS IoT in DyanamoDB , you will have to create an account at https://aws.amazon.com/free, here you will also have to provide your credit card details, but for the tutorial below you should not incur any cost (again this depends on the region of AWS setup)
Once done create a folder "AWS" on your mac and follow the link below to download and install AWS CLI
I am using a mac , here are the instructions I followed
$ curl "https://s3.amazonaws.com/aws-cli/awscli-bundle.zip" -o "awscli-bundle.zip"$ unzip awscli-bundle.zip$ sudo ./awscli-bundle/install -i /usr/local/aws -b /usr/local/bin/aws
Note: at the terminal you need to be in the AWS folder you just created
#6 Creating a thing using the CLI which should show in the AWS IoT console
Now we will create a thing in AWS IoT using the following command
aws iot create-thing --thing-name "plantSystem"
For more info refer to the link
#7 Creating Certs
To create and activate the certificates that you will need , give the following command
aws iot create-keys-and-certificate --set-as-active --certificate-pem-outfile cert.pem --public-key-outfile publicKey.pem --private-key-outfile privateKey.pem
this command will create the certificates(3 pem files) for you in the AWS folder as shown in the screen shot below
#8 Create and Attach an AWS IoT policy to your Certificates
Start of by creating a json file in the AWS folder, using you favorite text editor(i prefer sublime text 2) - name the file policy.json
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Effect": "Allow", "Action":["iot:*"], "Resource": ["*"] }]}
Then copy paste the following command in your text editor
aws iot create-policy --policy-name "PubSub" --policy-document file://./policy.json
#9 Attach policy to certificate followed by attaching certificate to device
Give the commands below one after another
$aws iot attach-principal-policy --principal "arn:aws:iot:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" --policy-name "PubSub"
$ aws iot attach-thing-principal --thing-name "PlantSystem" --principal "arn:aws:iot:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Here an easy way to get your certificate arn if you have not noted it down is to go to the AWS IoT console click on you certificate and go to details on the right hand side of your screen. From here you can copy paste the arn to the teminal
For more info refer to the documentation on
# 10 Verifying/testing your setup on your computer and test it using MQTT.fx
Now to claim that the setup is done on your computer , download and install MQTT.fx from link below to test if the setup is working and we are able to publish and suscribe for data via AWS IoT
For more setup info and to download the root cert use the link below
- here in MQTT.fx you will have to setup your connection profile
- and link your certs which you downloaded as part of the steps above
Here is a quick video that show how you can test you setup on you computer which in my case is a MAC using MQTT.fx tool.
Once you have complete and tested that your setup is fine follow the steps below to upload the certificated to the Arduino Yun
#11 Setting up the Arduino Yun to communicate with AWS IoT cloud
Download the latest version of the Arduino Yun SDK from github and unzip into your Arduino "Libraries" folder
If you are using the Arduino Yun for the first time follow the setup instructions at
Basically using the link you will learn how to set up the Arduino Yun to connect to home WiFi network.
Then load the Process Example sketch Arduino IDE to your YUN (File->Examples->Bridge -> Process), this will confirm that the Yun has access to the internet
Put your rootCA file, private key and certificate into certs folder as shown in the screen shot below
Next modify codebase_upload.sh and environment_setup.sh and replace [your_boards_IP] with your board’s IP address and [your_boards_IP] with your password
In the your terminal run the following commands to give permission to the .sh files ,this will take about 5-10 mins ,which moves the certs and installs distribute, python-openssl, pip, paho-mqtt on the Yun. These are the packages you need to communicate with the AWS cloud from your Yun(aka called the PlantSystem thing in our case)
$chmod 755 codebase_upload.sh
$chmod 755 environment_setup.sh
For installation on Linux/Windows follow the link at
Now as part of the next couple using AWS CLI we are going create a table in DynamoDB to post sensor data
#12 Creating an IAM role and granting permisions
Basically to enter data into the DynamoDB sensor table which we are going to create as part of the next step , we need to create a IoT rule that will act upon the MQTT message received by AWS, for this we need to create a role and grant it necessary permisions
Create a json file rolePolicy.json
{"Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Sid": "", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "iot.amazonaws.com" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" }]}
and to create the role run the following command in the terminal
aws iam create-role --role-name iot-actions-role --assume-role-policy-document file://./rolePolicy.json
Create another json file policy.json
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "dynamodb:*", "lambda:InvokeFunction"], "Resource": ["*"] }]}
then call create-policy and specify the IAM policy document
aws iam create-policy --policy-name iot-actions-policy --policy-document file://./policy.json
And finally attach the policy to the role using - modify the policy-ARN to the ARN that you received as part of the previous step
aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name iot-actions-role --policy-arn "arn:aws:xxxxxxxxxxxxx:policy/iot-action-policy"
#13 Setting up table in DynamoDB in AWS console
As part of this step we are going to create a DynamoDB in the AWS console
Table Name : plantSensor
Partition key : key
Sort key : timestamp
and also set your Read capacity units and Write capacity to 1.
#14 Creating a rule to insert data into PlantSensor Table
Create a json file - plantdatarule.json (here modify the roleArn value in section below, go to IAM->Roles->iot-action-role to get the arn)
"sql": "SELECT * FROM 'topic/plantdata'",
"ruleDisabled": false,
"actions": [{
"dynamoDB": {
"tableName": "plantSensor",
"hashKeyField": "key",
"hashKeyValue": "${topic(2)}",
"rangeKeyField": "timestamp",
"rangeKeyValue": "${timestamp()}",
"roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXX:role/iot-actions-role"
then run the following command on your terminal
aws iot create-topic-rule --rule-name plantDataToDynamoDB --topic-rule-payload file://./plantdatarule.json
Now if you go to the AWS IoT console you should see a rule created called "PlantDataToDynamoDB" as shown in the screen shot below('' ignore the email send rule this is coming as part of the steps below.)
using MQTT.FX run a quick test to see if records are getting created in the table created.
#15 Upload the Arduino sketch to publish data to AWS IoT from the Yun
Here first start of by downloading the ArduinoJSON library from github at
Now download the YunAWSIoTDynamoDB,ino and aws_iot_config.h files from the code section below and upload it to the Yun.
Open your Serial monitor and you should see the temperature, Light Value and soil moisture value posted to the DynamoDB.
If you have have been AWS you can do all kinds of awesome stuff by setting up Lambda function and posting data kinesis ...
Note: If you plan on making this a permanent setup, don't forget to increase the delay at the end of the loop , to increase the time interval of posting to DynamoDB so that you do not incur addition cost . For more on pricing refer to https://aws.amazon.com/iot/pricing/
#16 Setting up a AWS-IoT SNS rule to receive and email if your soil moisture value fall below a threshold.
Basically this step includes setting up a simple SNS notification base on AWS IoT rule.
Start of by assigning the following policies to the AWS role (iot-action-role) that you created in the previous step in the IAM console
Once done in the SNS console create a Topic called sendMail and create a subscription and give your email configure on you phone to get notified when the soil moisture value is LOW.
Now head back to the AWS IoT console and using the +Create Resource button create a rule called Email Send and provide the following info
- Name : EmailSend
- Attribute : mositValue(this should match the json value that you are posting as part of you topic in the Arduino code)
- Topic filter : topic/plantdata
- Condition : as moistval < 250 (this is the value that you determined in the first few steps of the tutorial)
- Choose Action : send message as push notification SNS
- SNS target : sendEmail
- Role: iot-action-role
Once done you console should look like the screen shot below
Here is an sample email I recived when I removed the soil moisture sensor from a glass of water
To read more about AWS-SNS
#15 Putting the 3D printed parts together and adding it to the pot.
You will need a 4x40 screw and nut to attach the black soil poker 3D printed part to the base part of the Arduino Yun
The top part just snap fits , here remember to point the top opening toward you window and poke the Soil moisture in the pot.And power the Yun with a micro usb cable plug to a wall outlet.
Please note, I am still exploring and learning about the awesome world of AWS, and awe'd by the features on the AWS console,so if you have been using AWS for quite some time, post a comment or suggestion for feature you would have liked to see/applicable to the plant monitoring project.Thanks ..