Catalin BitireIonascu AndreiMircea Cojocaru
Published © GPL3+

Zybo Autonomous Car

An autonomous car able to drive along a lane and react to roadsigns, obstacles and smart RFID markers, powered by OpenCV and Embedded Linux.

AdvancedWork in progressOver 15 days8,396
Zybo Autonomous Car

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Zybo Z7: Zynq-7000 ARM/FPGA SoC Development Board
Digilent Zybo Z7: Zynq-7000 ARM/FPGA SoC Development Board
Digilent Pcam 5C
Digilent Pmod MAXSONAR
Pmod ACL
Digilent Pmod ACL
TP-Link WN722N USB WiFi Adapter
Servo Module (Generic)
High speed & high torque metal gear servo
DRV8835 Dual DC motor driver
D24V22F5 5V Voltage regulator
6V Voltage regulator
To power the motors and the servo
RFID reader (generic)
NXP PN532 board
2200mAh Li-Po battery
The only important aspects are the capacity and the physical size, as it should be able to fit inside/on the car.
Plastic 4WD Car frame with DC motors
Photos for refference in description

Software apps and online services

Vivado Design Suite
AMD Vivado Design Suite
Software Development Kit
Petalinux SDK
Digilent WaveForms

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)
3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)
Screwdrivers and other tools (generic)


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Custom parts and enclosures

A directory containing all of the required 3D Printed parts to build the car.

Inside the repository you will find a folder 3D-Printed-Parts with all the .SLDPART and .STL files

Wheelhub with an additional arm to link with the servo


Camera mount

Sonar mount

Steering cross-beam


Power distribution

General block diagram

This is the initial block diagram that describes the different modules in the project


Digilent Design Contest submission repo

The project's repository, abiding to the Digilent project format.

Development repo

This is the general purpose development repository, shared by the whole team, using our own project structure to maximize efficiency

OpenCV control algorithms development repo

This repository contains OpenCV-related code that ends up on the car, used to process the images from the camera.


Catalin Bitire
1 project • 2 followers
Ionascu Andrei
1 project • 1 follower
Mircea Cojocaru
1 project • 1 follower
