Deploy PetaLinux 2024.2 on ZCU104 with setup, boot, and custom apps for advanced embedded system development.
Well... did you ever want to build on a PolarFire along with Beagleboard. org and their builds?
A reference guide for installing the 2024.2 version AMD FPGA toolset on Ubuntu.
It's not 2020 if you can't build robots of doom out of scrap consumer electronics... (c)freenect Github issue
What do you think in using Raspberry Pi & OpenCV to count moving objects that go in and out of a certain zone?
Are you having problems in compiling OpenCV in Raspberry PI? Here you can learn how to do it easily.
This tutorial walks through an application that reads/writes data to DDR memory from the Linux userspace on the Zynq-based Arty Z7 FPGA.
Linux, Python 3.8.5, ResNet18 at 20 FPS - Jetson Nano alternative for 7.9 USD?
Texas Instruments Deep Learning API and examples ported onto BeagleBone AI's default Debian distribution image and mjpg-streamer filters.
Ultra96 combines WiFi, Bluetooth & an SoC with programmable logic. Let's look at the different ways of building Linux projects aimed at it.
A WiFi repeater built around Raspberry Pi under $10.
The basics of turning a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W into a USB OTG audio interface using the Linux gadget g_audio driver.
The goal of this blog is to create a Vitis 2021.1 hardware accelerator platform for the Zybo-Z7-20 board from Digilent.
This project walks through how to get up and running on the ZU Board using Avnet's build scripts for Vivado & PetaLinux 2022.1
A portable computer that runs on a Linux operating system can fit in your pocket.
An introduction to the new arduino-cli.
Due to a problem installing the latest Arduino IDE 1.8.2, the installation will return multiple errors. This tutorial will fix it.
This tutorial is on using OpenAMP framework for running multiple boot system on single MPSoC FPGA, as Petalinux on APU and Baremetal on RPU.
Design the hardware and software to test the DisplayPort of an Ultra96 board.
This project details how to develop an embedded Linux image for a MicroBlaze design on the Arty A7 in PetaLinux.
A Raspberry Pi 4 as NAS server with two WD red 4TB out of an old 19" power amplifier case. (Hard- and software.)
This Amazon Alexa which is built with Raspberry pi and Bluetooth Speaker.
In this tutorial, I will show you how to make a portable hacking station with Raspberry Pi 3 and hack using any Android phone.
A quick write-up guide on the installation process of AMD's FPGA development tools on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.