The Snickerdoodle is an SoC, with processors and programmable logic. Let's look at how we can accelerate Python with PYNQ on it!
Typewriter sounds, animated words and ASCII pictures for this Raspberry Pi based Gonzo tribute art installation
Why not put a Raspberry Pi into a 2007 netbook?
This project walks through installing Ubuntu 20.04.3 Desktop on the Kria KV260 Vision AI Starter Kit and using Edge Impulse with it.
This project demonstrates how to implement a custom PL design on the KR260 utilizing its RPi & PMOD connectors.
Latency optimization on running critical thread can be done by using RT Patch on MPSoC & for thread priorities CPU Isolation can be used.
Booting Embedded Linux images on Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC from the JTAG interface using the XSCT utility provided by Xilinx
This project walks through the installation of Vitis and PetaLinux 2022.1 as well as KRS 1.0 on Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish.
An updated installation guide for the 2024.1 version of the AMD FPGA Tools on an Ubuntu 22.04 host machine.
This project walks through how to install AMD's FPGA development tools on Ubuntu 20.04 & 22.04 LTS.
iNap Malinka is a Raspberry based handheld with the NRF24L01+PA+LNA radio module, running RetroPie!
This project walks through how to implement and use SPI in embedded Linux via the spidev kernel on the Zynq-7000 using PetaLinux 2022.1.
Communicate with ESP32 over Internet using command line interface to save network credentials in the non-volatile memory and control LED.
This project walks through the basics of creating your own ML model in Edge Impulse & deploying it on the Kria KV260.
Complete flow from scratch: Vivado platform, Petalinux build and hardware kernel build on Vitis, on the MYIR development board MYD-CZU4EV
Arduino MKR1000 as a HID, for performing HID penetration testing over WiFi networks.
Adding Yocto project on RPI3 and adding NAS Server on RPI3
A simple demo to show how to write an ISR on a BBB in Python running Debian.
This project lets you configure the Omega2+ to boot to the Micro SD card. Just run a single script!
With the OSD335x C-SiP, the Complete System-in-Package device, you can solder your own Linux computer with just a few resistors and wires.
Swapping hardware within microseconds: Possible when using FPGAs from AMD. The technique is called Dynamic Function Exchange.
Bring up the Ultra96 V2 in Vivado+PetaLinux 2019.2 with Wi-Fi connectivity.
This project walks through how to integrate the required u-boot environment variables for the Zynqberry boards into a PetaLinux project.
Unleash the power of Zigbee and HomeAssistant using the low cost BeaglePlay