# Imports
import serial
import curses
# Constants
WIDTH = 80
# Classes
class Timer:
def __init__(self, initial_time, target_time):
self.last_reset_time = initial_time
self.target_time = target_time
self.elapsed_time = 0
self.times_reset = 0
def check(self, current_time):
self.elapsed_time = current_time - self.last_reset_time
if self.elapsed_time >= self.target_time:
return True
return False
def reset(self, current_time):
self.last_reset_time = current_time
# Functions
def map(val, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max):
return int((val - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min)
def read_serial(device):
#Read serial data
raw_line = device.readline()
line = str(raw_line)
line = line[2:] #Remove the unicode characters
line = line[:-5] #Remove the cariage return and newline from the end of the string
data = line.split(" ")
#Convert parsed strings into integers
time = int(data[0])
p1_pot = int(data[1])
p2_pot = int(data[2])
return time, p1_pot, p2_pot, True
return -1, -1, -1, False
def update_game(left_paddle_x, left_paddle_y, right_paddle_x, right_paddle_y, ball_x, ball_y, dx, dy, update_ball):
game_lost = False
loss_message = "No one has lost"
if update_ball:
#Update ball's position based on the x and y velocities
ball_x = ball_x + dx
ball_y = ball_y + dy
# Check to see if the ball has hit the right wall
if ball_x >= WIDTH - 1:
ball_x = WIDTH - 1
game_lost = True
loss_message = "Player 1 won! Player 2 is pretty sucky though..."
# Check to see if the ball has hit the left wall
if ball_x <= 0:
ball_x = 0
game_lost = True
loss_message = "Player 2 won! Player 1 is pretty sucky though..."
# Check if the ball has bounced off the left paddle
if ((ball_x <= left_paddle_x) and (ball_y >= left_paddle_y) and (ball_y <= (left_paddle_y + PADDLE_HEIGHT))):
dx = -dx
ball_x = left_paddle_x + 1
# Check to see if the ball has bounced off the right paddle
if ((ball_x >= right_paddle_x) and (ball_y >= right_paddle_y) and (ball_y <= (right_paddle_y + PADDLE_HEIGHT))):
dx = -dx
ball_x = right_paddle_x - 1
# Check to see if the ball hit the bottom wall
if ball_y >= (HEIGHT - 1):
ball_y = HEIGHT -1
dy = -dy
# Check to see if the ball hit the top wall
if ball_y <= 0:
ball_y = 0
dy = -dy
# Check to see if the paddle does not pass through the top
if left_paddle_y <= 0:
left_paddle_y = 0
# Check to see if the paddles do not pass through the bottom
if left_paddle_y >= (HEIGHT - PADDLE_HEIGHT):
left_paddle_y = (HEIGHT - PADDLE_HEIGHT)
if right_paddle_y >= (HEIGHT - PADDLE_HEIGHT):
right_paddle_y = (HEIGHT - PADDLE_HEIGHT)
# Erase old game
# Draw new paddles
for i in range(PADDLE_HEIGHT):
screen.addch(left_paddle_y + i, left_paddle_x, PADDLE_CHAR)
screen.addch(right_paddle_y + i, right_paddle_x, PADDLE_CHAR)
# Draw new ball
screen.addch(ball_y, ball_x, BALL_CHAR)
return ball_x, ball_y, dx, dy, game_lost, loss_message
# Start main program
serial_device = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600)
print("No serial device found")
# Initilize timer after serial comminications have reset
initial_time, initial_pot, temp_bool, temp_string = read_serial(serial_device)
# timer_initialized = False
# while not timer_initialized:
# initial_time, initial_pot, temp_bool, temp_string = read_serial(serial_device)
# if initial_time == 0:
# timer_initialized = True
timer = Timer(initial_time, GAME_SPEED)
# Initialize game variables
screen = curses.initscr()
ball_x = int(WIDTH / 2)
ball_y = int(HEIGHT / 2)
left_paddle_x = 6
left_paddle_y = int(HEIGHT / 2)
right_paddle_x = WIDTH - 7
right_paddle_y = int(HEIGHT / 2)
ball_dx = 3
ball_dy = 2
game_lost = False
while not game_lost:
time, p1_pot, p2_pot, data_received = read_serial(serial_device)
if data_received:
left_paddle_y = map(p1_pot, 0, 1023, 0, HEIGHT - 1)
right_paddle_y = map(p2_pot, 0, 1023, 0, HEIGHT - 1)
is_time_elapsed = timer.check(time)
# Update game
ball_x, ball_y, ball_dx, ball_dy, game_lost, loss_message = update_game(left_paddle_x, left_paddle_y, right_paddle_x, right_paddle_y, ball_x, ball_y, ball_dx, ball_dy, is_time_elapsed)
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