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Cody Brooks
Published © MIT

Serial Pong

Playing a simple Pong game with two potentiometers connected to an Arduino. A Python script on a PC is reading data and displaying the game.

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Serial Pong

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Single Turn Potentiometer- 10k ohms
Single Turn Potentiometer- 10k ohms
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Capacitor 100 µF
Capacitor 100 µF


Read more


Breadboard schematic


Python code

This is the code that runs on the PC. It is written in Python and is responsible for reading serial data from the Arduino and using the Curses library to draw the game on a terminal (size 80x24).
# Imports
import serial
import curses

# Constants
WIDTH = 80

# Classes
class Timer:

    def __init__(self, initial_time, target_time):
        self.last_reset_time = initial_time
        self.target_time = target_time
        self.elapsed_time = 0
        self.times_reset = 0

    def check(self, current_time):
        self.elapsed_time = current_time - self.last_reset_time
        if self.elapsed_time >= self.target_time:
            return True
            return False

    def reset(self, current_time):
        self.last_reset_time = current_time

# Functions
def map(val, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max):
    return int((val - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min)

def read_serial(device):
    #Read serial data
    raw_line = device.readline()
    line = str(raw_line)
    line = line[2:] #Remove the unicode characters
    line = line[:-5] #Remove the cariage return and newline from the end of the string
    data = line.split(" ")
    #Convert parsed strings into integers
        time = int(data[0])
        p1_pot = int(data[1])
        p2_pot = int(data[2])
        return time, p1_pot, p2_pot, True
        return -1, -1, -1, False

def update_game(left_paddle_x, left_paddle_y, right_paddle_x, right_paddle_y, ball_x, ball_y, dx, dy, update_ball):
    game_lost = False
    loss_message = "No one has lost"
    if update_ball:
        #Update ball's position based on the x and y velocities
        ball_x = ball_x + dx
        ball_y = ball_y + dy
        # Check to see if the ball has hit the right wall
        if ball_x >= WIDTH - 1:
            ball_x = WIDTH - 1
            game_lost = True
            loss_message = "Player 1 won! Player 2 is pretty sucky though..."
        # Check to see if the ball has hit the left wall
        if ball_x <= 0:
            ball_x = 0
            game_lost = True
            loss_message = "Player 2 won! Player 1 is pretty sucky though..."
        # Check if the ball has bounced off the left paddle
        if ((ball_x <= left_paddle_x) and (ball_y >= left_paddle_y) and (ball_y <= (left_paddle_y + PADDLE_HEIGHT))):
            dx = -dx
            ball_x = left_paddle_x + 1
        # Check to see if the ball has bounced off the right paddle
        if ((ball_x >= right_paddle_x) and (ball_y >= right_paddle_y) and (ball_y <= (right_paddle_y + PADDLE_HEIGHT))):
            dx = -dx
            ball_x = right_paddle_x - 1
        # Check to see if the ball hit the bottom wall
        if ball_y >= (HEIGHT - 1):
            ball_y = HEIGHT -1
            dy = -dy
        # Check to see if the ball hit the top wall
        if ball_y <= 0:
            ball_y = 0
            dy = -dy

    # Check to see if the paddle does not pass through the top
    if left_paddle_y <= 0:
        left_paddle_y = 0
    # Check to see if the paddles do not pass through the bottom
    if left_paddle_y >= (HEIGHT - PADDLE_HEIGHT):
        left_paddle_y = (HEIGHT - PADDLE_HEIGHT)
    if right_paddle_y >= (HEIGHT - PADDLE_HEIGHT):
        right_paddle_y = (HEIGHT - PADDLE_HEIGHT)

    # Erase old game
    # Draw new paddles
    for i in range(PADDLE_HEIGHT):
        screen.addch(left_paddle_y + i, left_paddle_x, PADDLE_CHAR)
        screen.addch(right_paddle_y + i, right_paddle_x, PADDLE_CHAR)
    # Draw new ball
    screen.addch(ball_y, ball_x, BALL_CHAR)
    return ball_x, ball_y, dx, dy, game_lost, loss_message

# Start main program
    serial_device = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600)
    print("No serial device found")

# Initilize timer after serial comminications have reset
initial_time, initial_pot, temp_bool, temp_string = read_serial(serial_device)
# timer_initialized = False
# while not timer_initialized:
#     initial_time, initial_pot, temp_bool, temp_string = read_serial(serial_device)
#     if initial_time == 0:
#         timer_initialized = True
timer = Timer(initial_time, GAME_SPEED)

# Initialize game variables
screen = curses.initscr()
ball_x = int(WIDTH / 2)
ball_y = int(HEIGHT / 2)
left_paddle_x = 6
left_paddle_y = int(HEIGHT / 2)
right_paddle_x = WIDTH - 7
right_paddle_y = int(HEIGHT / 2)
ball_dx = 3
ball_dy = 2
game_lost = False

while not game_lost:
    time, p1_pot, p2_pot, data_received = read_serial(serial_device)
    if data_received:
        left_paddle_y = map(p1_pot, 0, 1023, 0, HEIGHT - 1)
        right_paddle_y = map(p2_pot, 0, 1023, 0, HEIGHT - 1)
        is_time_elapsed = timer.check(time)
        # Update game
        ball_x, ball_y, ball_dx, ball_dy, game_lost, loss_message = update_game(left_paddle_x, left_paddle_y, right_paddle_x, right_paddle_y, ball_x, ball_y, ball_dx, ball_dy, is_time_elapsed)


Arduino code

The sketch running on the Arduino. It is responsible for reading the values of the two potentiometers and send them serially.
int player1_val;
int player2_val;
const int player1_pot = A0;
const int player2_pot = A1;

void setup() {
  pinMode(player1_pot, INPUT);
  pinMode(player2_pot, INPUT);

void loop() {
  player1_val = analogRead(player1_pot);
  player2_val = analogRead(player2_pot);
  Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.print(" ");


Cody Brooks
1 project • 0 followers


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