#include <msp430.h>
#define Serv1 0x02 //Servo to P1.1
#define Serv2 0x80 //Servo to P1.7
#define Serv3 0x02 //Servo to P2.1
#define RLED 0x01 // Define LEDs
#define GLED 0x40
#define DELAYLOOPS 10000
#define Button1 0x04 //Button1 to P1.2
#define Button2 0x08 //Button2 to P1.3
#define Button3 0x10 //Button1 to P1.4
#define Button4 0x20 //Button2 to P1.5
#define Button5 0x08 //Button1 to P2.3
#define Button6 0x10 //Button2 to P2.4
#define DBNC 500
#define T 2000;
char debounceGoingLow1(); // add de-bounce for high-low transition
char debounceGoingLow2(); // add de-bounce for high-low transition
char debounceGoingLow3(); // add de-bounce for high-low transition
char debounceGoingLow4(); // add de-bounce for high-low transition
char debounceGoingLow5(); // add de-bounce for high-low transition
char debounceGoingLow6(); // add de-bounce for high-low transition
void runMotor(volatile unsigned int Ton, volatile unsigned int Toff);
int TurnMotorLeft(volatile unsigned int Ton, volatile unsigned int Toff,
volatile unsigned int pos1, volatile unsigned int pos2);
int TurnMotorRight(volatile unsigned int Ton, volatile unsigned int Toff,
volatile unsigned int pos1, volatile unsigned int pos2);
void runMotor2(volatile unsigned int Ton, volatile unsigned int Toff);
int TurnMotorLeft2(volatile unsigned int Ton, volatile unsigned int Toff,
volatile unsigned int pos1, volatile unsigned int pos2);
int TurnMotorRight2(volatile unsigned int Ton, volatile unsigned int Toff,
volatile unsigned int pos1, volatile unsigned int pos2);
void runMotor3(volatile unsigned int Ton, volatile unsigned int Toff);
int TurnMotorLeft3(volatile unsigned int Ton, volatile unsigned int Toff,
volatile unsigned int pos1, volatile unsigned int pos2);
int TurnMotorRight3(volatile unsigned int Ton, volatile unsigned int Toff,
volatile unsigned int pos1, volatile unsigned int pos2);
volatile unsigned int Ton1;
volatile unsigned int Ton2;
volatile unsigned int Ton3;
const unsigned int posmid1 = 150; // middle position for servo1
const unsigned int posmid2 = 213; // middle position for servo2
const unsigned int posmid3 = 155; // middle position for servo3
const unsigned int pos1 = 50; // far right limit of servo
const unsigned int pos2 = 250; // far left limit of servo
volatile unsigned int Ton1Save;
volatile unsigned int Ton2Save;
volatile unsigned int Ton3Save;
void main(void)
volatile unsigned int LoopCounter; // "volatile" ensures will not be optimized away
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer
P1DIR |= Serv1 | Serv2 | RLED | GLED; // Set P1.0
P2DIR |= Serv3;
P1REN |= Button1; // initialize buttons and Pull-Up Resistors
P1OUT |= Button1;
P1REN |= Button2;
P1OUT |= Button2;
P1REN |= Button3;
P1OUT |= Button3;
P1REN |= Button4;
P1OUT |= Button4;
P2REN |= Button5;
P2OUT |= Button5;
P2REN |= Button6;
P2OUT |= Button6;
volatile unsigned int Toff;
Ton1 = posmid1; //Start at mid postion
Ton2 = posmid2; //Start at mid postion
Ton3 = posmid3; //Start at mid postion
P1OUT &= ~GLED; //start with GLED off
while (1) // loop forever
if (Button1 & ~P1IN) // turn motor1 left if button1 is pressed
if (debounceGoingLow1)
Toff = T-Ton1;
Ton1 = TurnMotorLeft(Ton1, Toff, pos1, pos2);
if (Button2 & ~P1IN) // turn motor1 right if button2 is pressed
if (debounceGoingLow2)
Toff = T-Ton1;
Ton1 = TurnMotorRight(Ton1, Toff, pos1, pos2);
Toff = T-Ton1;
runMotor(Ton1, Toff); // run motor1 at current position
if (Button3 & ~P1IN) // turn motor2 left if button3 is pressed
if (debounceGoingLow3)
Toff = T-Ton2;
Ton2 = TurnMotorLeft2(Ton2, Toff, pos1, pos2);
if (Button4 & ~P1IN) // turn motor2 right if button4 is pressed
if (debounceGoingLow4)
Toff = T-Ton2;
Ton2 = TurnMotorRight2(Ton2, Toff, pos1, pos2);
Toff = T-Ton2;
runMotor2(Ton2, Toff); // run motor2 at current position
if (Button5 & ~P2IN) // turn motor3 left if button5 is pressed
if (debounceGoingLow5)
Toff = T -Ton3;
Ton3 = TurnMotorLeft3(Ton3, Toff, pos1, pos2);
if (Button6 & ~P2IN) // turn motor3 right if button6 is pressed
if (debounceGoingLow6)
Toff = T -Ton3;
Ton3 = TurnMotorRight3(Ton3, Toff, pos1, pos2);
Toff = T -Ton3;
runMotor3(Ton3, Toff); // run motor3 at current position
// Function to add delay’s (from previous project)
void Delay(unsigned int delay)
volatile unsigned int j;
for (j = 0; j <= delay; j++)
// Debounce Functions (from previous project solution)
char debounceGoingLow1()
if (Button1 & ~P1IN)
return 0x01; //Still low
return 0x00;
char debounceGoingLow2()
if (Button2 & ~P1IN)
return 0x01; //Still low
return 0x00;
char debounceGoingLow3()
if (Button3 & ~P1IN)
return 0x01; //Still low
return 0x00;
char debounceGoingLow4()
if (Button4 & ~P1IN)
return 0x01; //Still low
return 0x00;
char debounceGoingLow5()
if (Button5 & ~P2IN)
return 0x01; //Still low
return 0x00;
char debounceGoingLow6()
if (Button6 & ~P2IN)
return 0x01; //Still low
return 0x00;
// main servo control function. Runs servo at a certain position based off
// of the difference between Ton and Toff (duty cycle).
void runMotor(volatile unsigned int Ton, volatile unsigned int Toff)
volatile unsigned int LoopCounter;
for (LoopCounter = 0; LoopCounter < Toff; ++LoopCounter)
P1OUT |= Serv1; // turn on
for (LoopCounter = 0; LoopCounter < Ton; ++LoopCounter)
P1OUT &= ~Serv1; // turn off
// repeat for motor2
void runMotor2(volatile unsigned int Ton, volatile unsigned int Toff)
volatile unsigned int LoopCounter;
for (LoopCounter = 0; LoopCounter < Toff; ++LoopCounter)
P1OUT |= Serv2; // turn on
for (LoopCounter = 0; LoopCounter < Ton; ++LoopCounter)
P1OUT &= ~Serv2; // turn off
// repeat for motor3
void runMotor3(volatile unsigned int Ton, volatile unsigned int Toff)
volatile unsigned int LoopCounter;
for (LoopCounter = 0; LoopCounter < Toff; ++LoopCounter)
P2OUT |= Serv3; // turn on
for (LoopCounter = 0; LoopCounter < Ton; ++LoopCounter)
P2OUT &= ~Serv3; // turn off
// increments duty cycle to turn servo left (with some extra functions)
int TurnMotorLeft(volatile unsigned int Ton, volatile unsigned int Toff,
volatile unsigned int pos1, volatile unsigned int pos2)
// if the other button is pressed at the same time, turn on GLED and Reset Pos'
if (Button2 & ~P1IN)
if (debounceGoingLow2)
while (Button2 & ~P1IN)
Ton = posmid1; // Resets all servos to original position if
Ton2 = posmid2; // both buttons are pressed at once
Ton3 = posmid3;
// as long as the servo isnt at max position, increment duty cycle
if (Ton <= pos2)
Ton = Ton + 5;
Toff = T
runMotor(Ton, Toff);
else // if at max position, stop and turn on RLED
return Ton; // return current position
// decrements duty cycle to turn servo right (with some extra functions)
int TurnMotorRight(volatile unsigned int Ton, volatile unsigned int Toff,
volatile unsigned int pos1, volatile unsigned int pos2)
// Same as TurnMotorLeft but reversed.
if (Button1 & ~P1IN)
if (debounceGoingLow2)
while (Button1 & ~P1IN)
Ton = posmid1; // Resets all servos to original position if
Ton2 = posmid2; // both buttons are pressed at once
Ton3 = posmid3;
if (Ton >= pos1)
Ton = Ton - 5;
Toff = T
runMotor(Ton, Toff);
return Ton;
// repeated for motor2
int TurnMotorLeft2(volatile unsigned int Ton, volatile unsigned int Toff,
volatile unsigned int pos1, volatile unsigned int pos2)
// if the other button is pressed at the same time, turn on GLED and save position
if (Button4 & ~P1IN)
if (debounceGoingLow4)
while (Button4 & ~P1IN)
Ton1Save = Ton1; // save current position of servos
Ton2Save = Ton;
Ton3Save = Ton3;
// as long as the servo isnt at max position, increment duty cycle
if (Ton <= pos2)
Ton = Ton + 3;
Toff = T
runMotor2(Ton, Toff);
else // if at max position, stop and turn on RLED
return Ton; // return current position
// repeated for motor2
int TurnMotorRight2(volatile unsigned int Ton, volatile unsigned int Toff,
volatile unsigned int pos1, volatile unsigned int pos2)
// Same as TurnMotorLeft but reversed.
if (Button3 & ~P1IN)
if (debounceGoingLow3)
while (Button3 & ~P1IN)
Ton1Save = Ton1; // save current position of servos
Ton2Save = Ton;
Ton3Save = Ton3;
if (Ton >= pos1)
Ton = Ton - 3;
Toff = T
runMotor2(Ton, Toff);
return Ton;
// repeated for motor3
int TurnMotorLeft3(volatile unsigned int Ton, volatile unsigned int Toff,
volatile unsigned int pos1, volatile unsigned int pos2)
// if the other button is pressed at the same time, turn on GLED and do nothing
if (Button6 & ~P2IN)
if (debounceGoingLow6)
while (Button6 & ~P2IN)
Ton1 = Ton1Save; // change pos’ of servos to saved pos’
Ton2 = Ton2Save;
Ton = Ton3Save;
// as long as the servo isnt at max position, increment duty cycle
if (Ton <= pos2)
Ton = Ton + 5;
Toff = T
runMotor3(Ton, Toff);
else // if at max position, stop and turn on RLED
return Ton; // return current position
// repeated for motor3
int TurnMotorRight3(volatile unsigned int Ton, volatile unsigned int Toff,
volatile unsigned int pos1, volatile unsigned int pos2)
// Same as TurnMotorLeft but reversed.
if (Button5 & ~P2IN)
if (debounceGoingLow5)
while (Button5 & ~P2IN)
Ton1 = Ton1Save; // change pos’ of servos to saved pos’
Ton2 = Ton2Save;
Ton = Ton3Save;
if (Ton >= pos1)
Ton = Ton - 5;
Toff = T
runMotor3(Ton, Toff);
return Ton;