CS160 Course at UC Berkeley
Introducing Stelarc, your personal music diary that keeps track of the music around you, with a shake of a wrist. CS160 Final Report
Stay safe on first dates.
TikTok is the organic wearable metronome for individual practicing musicians.
Perfect bite is an Android application that makes eating healthy easy!
The future of Warehouse communication
Find the right partner, every time.
A mobile and wearable app to engage CPR-trained users and alert them of nearby emergencies.
Tuni Final Report
Lost and Hungry? Use Food Compass!
InGame is an app designed for football fans who go to sports bars—it allows them to stay engaged and informed throughout the game.
Basic interaction flowchart, skeleton code, and actual code demonstrating our progress thus far in creating the Tuni app.
App to help tennis players improve their practice sessions!
Construct a skeleton prototype of our project