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Cris ThomasJiss Joseph Thomas
Published © GPL3+

Gesture Controlled Drone with M5Stack and Edge Impulse

Controlling DJI Tello drone with gestures via the M5Stack FIRE module and Edge Impulse.

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Gesture Controlled Drone with M5Stack and Edge Impulse

Things used in this project

Hardware components

DJI Tello Drone
M5Stack FIRE IoT Development Kit (PSRAM 2.0)
M5Stack FIRE IoT Development Kit (PSRAM 2.0)

Software apps and online services

Edge Impulse Studio
Edge Impulse Studio
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Block diagram for gesture control of DJI tello drone using M5Stack module and Edge Impulse


Gesture Controlled Drone

Codebase for gesture control of DJI tello drone using M5Stack module and Edge Impulse


Cris Thomas

Cris Thomas

24 projects • 92 followers
Electronics and Aerospace engineer with a dedicated history in Research and Development. https://www.linkedin.com/in/crisdeodates/
Jiss Joseph Thomas

Jiss Joseph Thomas

21 projects • 55 followers
