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Dragos Iosub

Arduino CCS811 - CO2 & tVOC - Air Quality Monitor

Read CO2 and tVOC data using CCS811 I2C sensor breakout by itbrainpower.net. Temperature and humidity read compensation notes.

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Arduino CCS811 - CO2 & tVOC - Air Quality Monitor

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CCS811 sensor wiring example with Arduino UNO

5V compliant Arduino board - wire as shown in the image.
For 3.3V compliant Arduino board, wire Vin to Arduino 3.3V pad NOT to 5V!!!

CCS811 sensor wiring example with xyz-mIoT shield [AT SAMD21G, 3.3V compliant]

3.3V compliant Arduino board - wire as shown in the image.
For 5V compliant Arduino board, wire Vin to Arduino 5V pad NOT to 3.3V!!!

CCS811+HDC2010 breakout datasheet

s-Sense CCS811+HDC2010 I2C sensor breakout datasheet

CCS811 breakout datasheet

s-Sense CCS811 I2C sensor breakout datasheet



Read and print CCS811 [carbon dioxide and total Volatile Organic Compounds] sensor data - pulling rate ~ 2 second.

Just wire the sensor with your Arduino board. Select your board, compile and upload code. Set Serial Monitor at 19200bps.
/* s-Sense CCS811 I2C sensor breakout example - v1.0/20190524. 
 * Compatible with:
 *		s-Sense CCS811 I2C sensor breakout [PN: SS-CCS811#I2C, SKU: ITBP-6004], info https://itbrainpower.net/sensors/CCS811-CO2-TVOC-I2C-sensor-breakout 
 *		s-Sense CCS811 + HDC2010 I2C sensor breakout [PN: SS-HDC2010+CCS811#I2C, SKU: ITBP-6006], info https://itbrainpower.net/sensors/CCS811-HDC2010-CO2-TVOC-TEMPERATURE-HUMIDITY-I2C-sensor-breakout
 * Reading CO2 and tVOC values example (pulling at 2sec) - based on test software (Beerware license) written by Nathan Seidle from SparkFun Electronics. 
 * Thank you Nathan! Great job! 
 * We've ported Nathan's functions into a class, add some variables, functions and fuctionalities.
 * Mandatory wiring:
 *    Common for 3.3V and 5V Arduino boards:
 *        sensor I2C SDA  <------> Arduino I2C SDA
 *        sensor I2C SCL  <------> Arduino I2C SCL
 *        sensor GND      <------> Arduino GND
 *        sensor PAD6     <------> Arduino D5 or Arduino GND [connecting to GND the CCS811 sensor will be always ON]
 *    For Arduino 3.3V compatible:
 *        sensor Vin      <------> Arduino 3.3V
 *    For Arduino 5V compatible:
 *        sensor Vin      <------> Arduino 5V
 * Leave other sensor PADS not connected.
 * SPECIAL note for some ARDUINO boards:
 *        SDA (Serial Data)   ->  A4 on Uno/Pro-Mini, 20 on Mega2560/Due, 2 Leonardo/Pro-Micro
 *        SCK (Serial Clock)  ->  A5 on Uno/Pro-Mini, 21 on Mega2560/Due, 3 Leonardo/Pro-Micro
 * WIRING WARNING: wrong wiring may damage your Arduino board MCU or your sensor! Double check what you've done.
 * New CCS811 sensors requires at 48-burn in. Once burned in a sensor requires 20 minutes of run in before readings are considered good.
 * READ CCS811 documentation! https://itbrainpower.net/downloadables/CCS811_DS000459_5-00.pdf
 * You are legaly entitled to use this SOFTWARE ONLY IN CONJUNCTION WITH s-Sense CCS811 I2C sensors DEVICES USAGE. Modifications, derivates and redistribution 
 * of this software must include unmodified this COPYRIGHT NOTICE. You can redistribute this SOFTWARE and/or modify it under the terms 
 * of this COPYRIGHT NOTICE. Any other usage may be permited only after written notice of Dragos Iosub / R&D Software Solutions srl.
 * This SOFTWARE is distributed is provide "AS IS" in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
 * Dragos Iosub, Bucharest 2019.
 * https://itbrainpower.net

#define SERIAL_SPEED  19200

#include <sSense-CCS811.h>

CCS811 ssenseCCS811;

void setup()
  DebugPort.println("s-Sense CCS811 I2C sensor.");
  if(!ssenseCCS811.begin(uint8_t(I2C_CCS811_ADDRESS), uint8_t(CCS811_WAKE_PIN), driveMode_1sec))
    DebugPort.println("Initialization failed.");

void loop()
  ssenseCCS811.setEnvironmentalData((float)(21.102), (float)(57.73));  // replace with temperature and humidity values from HDC2010 sensor
  /*if (ssenseCCS811.dataAvailable()){
    ssenseCCS811.readAlgorithmResults(); //Calling this function updates the global tVOC and CO2 variables

    DebugPort.print("] tVOC[");
    DebugPort.print("] millis[");
  if (ssenseCCS811.checkDataAndUpdate())
    DebugPort.print("] tVOC[");
    DebugPort.print("] millis[");
  else if (ssenseCCS811.checkForError())


Arduino CCS811 library

Arduino library to access AMS CCS811 [carbon dioxide and total Volatile Organic Componds] air quality sensor data - adapted for itbrainpower.net s-Sense CCS811 sensor I2C breakout and itbrainpower.net s-Sense HDC2010 + CCS811 bundled sensor I2C breakout; both compatible with 3.3V - 5V Arduino shields.

This code it's based on CCS811 test software (Beerware license) written by Nathan Seidle from SparkFun Electronics. Thank you Nathan! Great job! We've ported Nathan's functions into a class, add some variables, functions and functionalities. Read credits in example code and inside the class. We've just add add some variables, functions and functionalities.

Extract and copy the class in Arduino Library folder - 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook. Take a look at "readme.md" and/or "readme.md" files.

Example it's available in Arduino "File-> Examples", under "ssense-CCS811" library.

HINT: you may like to inject real THS data in ssenseCCS811.setEnvironmentalData((float)temp, (float)hum) call [line 59]!
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Dragos Iosub
28 projects • 18 followers
Electronics & software, electronics & software, ...


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