Just in NY sanitation workers have reported an increase of as much as 40% in waste in residential areas discarded PPE is becoming a environmental and a health hazard. non the less there is very little or no attention has been put into place to properly address a growing problem.
this can be specially significant for developing countries like my own where an estimates 25, 000 people make their living sorting daily for recyclables thorough trash, and according to the International Labor Organization (ILO) some 500, 00 children make their living this way just in Latin America.
This project is intended not only to provide a way for people to conveniently find a place to discard their disposable PPE but also to address a way to treat first hand not only COVID19 but other pathogens that maybe put away in such equipment.
the idea is tho apply the same principle other smart bin systems already have in place like fill sensors and alarms to reduce cost via automated pick routes, Geo location so the public can find the nearest one, and publicly available tracking adding transparency to where that collected trash ended, but also adding a UVC irradiation source to give sanitation workers a minimum base line of bio safety.
in that since is that we propose a specialized Smart BIN marked PPE be added to waste management infrastructure city wide but also that this bins containing UVC light sources as a way to reduce the potential bio hazard they represent to workers and the general public. this project intends to provide an opensource solution for that purpose so enterprises and individuals can start testing and deploying such solutions in their communities.
We utilize SIGFOX due to its lower data cost, but Wifi, GSM, LTE board Sources will also be uploaded.