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Eric Ely
Published © GPL3+

Physical Web Candy Machine

No need for an app, just walk up and use the physical web to get the URL of this candy machine. One more click, and the candy is yours.

IntermediateFull instructions provided3,489
Physical Web Candy Machine

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Bluz DK
Bluz DK
Spark Core
Particle Spark Core
Motion Activated Candy Dispensor
6V Power Supply
TIP 120
Prototyping Board
12-pin female header

Software apps and online services

Google Eddystone


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We replaced the internal control boards with the following circuit


GitHub Repo

Code for the Core sketch and the website


Eric Ely

Eric Ely

9 projects • 36 followers
maker, breaker, fixer, and tinkerer. interested in building products that get technology out of the way and actually make your life easier.
