Hackster is hosting Hackster Holidays, Ep. 6: Livestream & Giveaway Drawing. Watch previous episodes or stream live on Monday!Stream Hackster Holidays, Ep. 6 on Monday!
Eivind Holt
Published © GPL3+

Microchip Digital Dosette

A LoRaWAN pill organizer integrated with medical health record that enables care givers to monitor usage.

IntermediateFull instructions provided24 hours1,372

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Microchip RN2483
Microchip ATmega328
Limit Switch, 5 A
Limit Switch, 5 A

Software apps and online services

The Things Stack
The Things Industries The Things Stack
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Wire, Lead Free


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Custom parts and enclosures

Project CAD models

Exported models in STL-format for 3D-printing.


External micro switch wiring schematics

Schematics showing how the micro switches are wired.


Dosette repository

Source code and resources


Eivind Holt

Eivind Holt

6 projects • 33 followers
Software engineer, maker, IoT-enthusiast.
