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Jacky JiangMaaz ZuberiAdiv AhsanBurak Kilic

AutonomiX Innovators: Autonomous RC Car

Our project AutonomiX Innovators presents a smart car that expertly self-navigates for a safer, seamless driving experience.

IntermediateFull instructions provided221
AutonomiX Innovators: Autonomous RC Car

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Webcam, Logitech® HD Pro
Webcam, Logitech® HD Pro
Portable Battery
Optical Speed Encoder
Portable Charger
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B

Software apps and online services



Read more



import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import sys
import time
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import board
import busio
import adafruit_mcp4728
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import csv

i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
mcp4728 = adafruit_mcp4728.MCP4728(i2c, 0x64)

#channel b is steering, channel a is power
#int(65535/4) should be straight for steering

# GPIO.setwarnings(False)

# throttlePin = 25 # Physical pin 22
# in3 = 23 # physical Pin 16
# in4 = 24 # physical Pin 18
#additional throttle value??

# steeringPin = 22 # Physical Pin 15
# in1 = 17 # Physical Pin 11
# in2 = 27 # Physical Pin 13

# GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)
# GPIO.setup(in1,GPIO.OUT)
# GPIO.setup(in2,GPIO.OUT)
# GPIO.setup(in3,GPIO.OUT)
# GPIO.setup(in4,GPIO.OUT)

# GPIO.setup(throttlePin,GPIO.OUT)
# GPIO.setup(steeringPin,GPIO.OUT)
go_faster_tick_delay = 80
go_faster_tick = 0
current_speed = int(65535/2)
# Steering
# in1 = 1 and in2 = 0 -> Left
# GPIO.output(in1,GPIO.LOW)
# GPIO.output(in2,GPIO.LOW)
# steering = GPIO.PWM(steeringPin,1000)
# steering.stop()

# Throttle
# in3 = 1 and in4 = 0 -> Forward
# GPIO.output(in3,GPIO.HIGH)
# GPIO.output(in4,GPIO.LOW)
# throttle = GPIO.PWM(throttlePin,1000)
# throttle.stop()

#the value to speed up/ slow down

def getRedFloorBoundaries():

    Gets the hsv boundaries and success boundaries indicating if the floor is red
    :return: [[lower color and success boundaries for red floor], [upper color and success boundaries for red floor]]
    return getBoundaries("redboundaries.txt")

def getBoundaries(filename):
    Reads the boundaries from the file filename
        [0] lower: [H, S, V, lower percentage for classification of success]
        [1] upper: [H, S, V, upper percentage for classification of success]
    :param filename: file containing boundary information as above
    :return: [[lower color and success boundaries], [upper color and success boundaries]]
    default_lower_percent = 50
    default_upper_percent = 100
    with open(filename, "r") as f:
        boundaries = f.readlines()
        lower_data = [val for val in boundaries[0].split(",")]
        upper_data = [val for val in boundaries[1].split(",")]

        if len(lower_data) >= 4:
            lower_percent = float(lower_data[3])
            lower_percent = default_lower_percent

        if len(upper_data) >= 4:
            upper_percent = float(upper_data[3])
            upper_percent = default_upper_percent

        lower = [int(x) for x in lower_data[:3]]
        upper = [int(x) for x in upper_data[:3]]
        boundaries = [lower, upper]
        percentages = [lower_percent, upper_percent]
    return boundaries, percentages

def isMostlyColor(image, boundaries):
    Detects whether or not the majority of a color on the screen is a particular color
    :param image:
    :param boundaries: [[color boundaries], [success boundaries]]
    :return: boolean if image satisfies provided boundaries, and an image used for debugging
    #Convert to HSV color space
    hsv_img = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

    #parse out the color boundaries and the success boundaries
    color_boundaries = boundaries[0]
    percentage = boundaries[1]

    lower = np.array(color_boundaries[0])
    upper = np.array(color_boundaries[1])
    mask = cv2.inRange(hsv_img, lower, upper)
    output = cv2.bitwise_and(hsv_img, hsv_img, mask=mask)

    #Calculate what percentage of image falls between color boundaries
    percentage_detected = np.count_nonzero(mask) * 100 / np.size(mask)
    # print("percentage_detected " + str(percentage_detected) + " lower " + str(lower) + " upper " + str(upper))
    # If the percentage percentage_detected is betweeen the success boundaries, we return true, otherwise false for result
    result = percentage[0] < percentage_detected <= percentage[1]
    if result:
        # print(percentage_detected)
    return result, output

def stop():

        _type_: _description_
    mcp4728.channel_a.value = 0 # start going forward
    mcp4728.channel_b.value = 0 #go straight
def go():
    mcp4728.channel_a.value = int(65535/1.6) #start going forward
    mcp4728.channel_b.value = int(65535/2.7) #go straight
def speed_up():
    #update the channel a value by a small amount
    # Increase speed by updating channel A and B values
    current_value = mcp4728.channel_a.value
    if current_value < 65535:
        new_value = min(65535, current_value + 1000)  # Increase speed by 1000 units
        mcp4728.channel_a.value = int(new_value)
        print(f"Speed increased. New value: {new_value}")
        print("Maximum speed reached.")
def slow_down():
    # Decrease speed by updating channel A and B values
    current_value = mcp4728.channel_a.value
    if current_value > 0:
        new_value = max(0, current_value - 1000)  # Decrease speed by 1000 units
        mcp4728.channel_a.value = int(new_value)
        print(f"Speed decreased. New value: {new_value}")
        print("Car stopped.")

#adapt this to the correct color scheme
# def detect_orange(frame, threshold=1000):
#     '''
#     Detect orange color within a given threshold.
#     '''
#     hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
#     lower_orange = np.array([5, 100, 100], dtype="uint8")  # Define lower orange range
#     upper_orange = np.array([15, 255, 255], dtype="uint8")  # Define upper orange range
#     mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_orange, upper_orange)
#     # cv2.imshow("Orange_color", mask)
#     return mask.sum() > threshold
def isRedFloorVisible(frame):
    Detects whether or not the floor is red
    :param frame: Image
    :return: [(True is the camera sees a red on the floor, false otherwise), video output]
    print("Checking for floor stop")
    boundaries = getRedFloorBoundaries()
    return isMostlyColor(frame, boundaries)

def detect_edges(frame):
    # filter for blue lane lines
    hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
    lower_blue = np.array([90, 120, 0], dtype = "uint8")
    upper_blue = np.array([150, 255, 255], dtype="uint8")
    mask = cv2.inRange(hsv,lower_blue,upper_blue)
    # detect edges
    edges = cv2.Canny(mask, 50, 100)
    return edges

def region_of_interest(edges):
    height, width = edges.shape
    mask = np.zeros_like(edges)

    # only focus lower half of the screen
    polygon = np.array([[
        (0, height),
        (0,  height/2),
        (width , height/2),
        (width , height),
    ]], np.int32)
    cv2.fillPoly(mask, polygon, 255)
    cropped_edges = cv2.bitwise_and(edges, mask)
    return cropped_edges

def detect_line_segments(cropped_edges):
    rho = 1  
    theta = np.pi / 180  
    min_threshold = 10  
    line_segments = cv2.HoughLinesP(cropped_edges, rho, theta, min_threshold, 
                                    np.array([]), minLineLength=5, maxLineGap=150)

    return line_segments

def average_slope_intercept(frame, line_segments):
    lane_lines = []
    if line_segments is None:
        print("no line segments detected")
        return lane_lines

    height, width,_ = frame.shape
    left_fit = []
    right_fit = []

    boundary = 1/3
    left_region_boundary = width * (1 - boundary)
    right_region_boundary = width * boundary
    for line_segment in line_segments:
        for x1, y1, x2, y2 in line_segment:
            if x1 == x2:
                print("skipping vertical lines (slope = infinity")
            fit = np.polyfit((x1, x2), (y1, y2), 1)
            slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
            intercept = y1 - (slope * x1)
            if slope < 0:
                if x1 < left_region_boundary and x2 < left_region_boundary:
                    left_fit.append((slope, intercept))
                if x1 > right_region_boundary and x2 > right_region_boundary:
                    right_fit.append((slope, intercept))

    left_fit_average = np.average(left_fit, axis=0)
    if len(left_fit) > 0:
        lane_lines.append(make_points(frame, left_fit_average))

    right_fit_average = np.average(right_fit, axis=0)
    if len(right_fit) > 0:
        lane_lines.append(make_points(frame, right_fit_average))

    return lane_lines

def make_points(frame, line):
    height, width, _ = frame.shape
    slope, intercept = line
    y1 = height  # bottom of the frame
    y2 = int(y1 / 2)  # make points from middle of the frame down
    if slope == 0:
        slope = 0.1
    x1 = int((y1 - intercept) / slope)
    x2 = int((y2 - intercept) / slope)
    return [[x1, y1, x2, y2]]

def display_lines(frame, lines, line_color=(0, 255, 0), line_width=6):
    line_image = np.zeros_like(frame)
    if lines is not None:
        for line in lines:
            for x1, y1, x2, y2 in line:
                cv2.line(line_image, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), line_color, line_width)
    line_image = cv2.addWeighted(frame, 0.8, line_image, 1, 1)
    return line_image

def display_heading_line(frame, steering_angle, line_color=(0, 0, 255), line_width=5 ):
    heading_image = np.zeros_like(frame)
    height, width, _ = frame.shape
    steering_angle_radian = steering_angle / 180.0 * math.pi
    x1 = int(width / 2)
    y1 = height
    x2 = int(x1 - height / 2 / math.tan(steering_angle_radian))
    y2 = int(height / 2)
    cv2.line(heading_image, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), line_color, line_width)
    heading_image = cv2.addWeighted(frame, 0.8, heading_image, 1, 1)
    return heading_image

def get_steering_angle(frame, lane_lines):
    height,width,_ = frame.shape
    if len(lane_lines) == 2:
        _, _, left_x2, _ = lane_lines[0][0]
        _, _, right_x2, _ = lane_lines[1][0]
        mid = int(width / 2)
        x_offset = (left_x2 + right_x2) / 2 - mid
        y_offset = int(height / 2)
    elif len(lane_lines) == 1:
        x1, _, x2, _ = lane_lines[0][0]
        x_offset = x2 - x1
        y_offset = int(height / 2)
    elif len(lane_lines) == 0:
        x_offset = 0
        y_offset = int(height / 2)
    angle_to_mid_radian = math.atan(x_offset / y_offset)
    angle_to_mid_deg = int(angle_to_mid_radian * 180.0 / math.pi)  
    steering_angle = angle_to_mid_deg + 90
    return steering_angle
def plot_pd(p_vals, d_vals, error, show_img=False):
    fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
    t_ax = np.arange(len(p_vals))
    ax1.plot(t_ax, p_vals, '-', label="P values")
    ax1.plot(t_ax, d_vals, '-', label="D values")
    ax2 = ax1.twinx()
    ax2.plot(t_ax, error, '--r', label="Error")

    ax1.set_ylabel("PD Value")
    ax2.set_ylim(-90, 90)
    ax2.set_ylabel("Error Value")

    plt.title("PD Values over time")

    if show_img:

def plot_pwm(speed_pwms, turn_pwms, error, show_img=False):
    fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
    t_ax = np.arange(len(speed_pwms))
    ax1.plot(t_ax, speed_pwms, '-', label="Speed PWM")
    ax1.plot(t_ax, turn_pwms, '-', label="Steering PWM")
    ax2 = ax1.twinx()
    ax2.plot(t_ax, error, '--r', label="Error")

    ax1.set_ylabel("PWM Values")
    ax2.set_ylabel("Error Value")

    plt.title("PWM Values over time")

    if show_img:
video = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

#wait for vid to load

##fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
##out = cv2.VideoWriter('Original15.avi',fourcc,10,(320,240))
##out2 = cv2.VideoWriter('Direction15.avi',fourcc,10,(320,240))

# speed = 8
# lastTime = 0
# lastError = 0

# kp = 0.4
# kd = kp * 0.65
# PD variables
#kp = 0.095
kp = 0.2
kd = kp * 0.1
lastTime = 0
lastError = 0

# counter for number of ticks
counter = 0
MAX_ITERATIONS = 2000  # Define the maximum number of loop iterations

# start the engines

# arrays for making the final graphs
p_vals = []
d_vals = []
err_vals = []
speed_pwm = []
steer_pwm = []

stopSignCheck = 1
sightDebug = False
isStopSignBool = False
passedFirstStopSign = False
atStopLight = False
atStopLight = False

secondStopLightTick = 0

counter  = 0

while counter < 3000:
    print("SPEED", mcp4728.channel_a.value)
    print("STEER", mcp4728.channel_b.value)
    speed_value = mcp4728.channel_a.value
    steer_value = mcp4728.channel_b.value

    ret,original_frame = video.read()
    # frame = cv2.flip(frame,-1)
    frame = cv2.resize(original_frame, (160, 120))
    #  The resolution of the camera needed to be chosen so that 
    # the blue lines of the lane could be seen and the slope of each 
    # line could be determined by the OpenCV modules in our main Python code.
    # Thus, we chose the maximum resolution supported by the camera that was also 
    # small enough to not hinder the performance of the program by making the processing 
    # very time and computation intensive; this resolution ended up being 160x120.
    # cv2.imshow("original",frame)
    if sightDebug:
        cv2.imshow("Resized Frame", frame)
    # reading the encoder data and changing the speed   
    time_diff = 7
    with open("/sys/module/gpiod_driver/parameters/elapsed_ms", "r") as filetoread:
        time_diff = int(filetoread.read())
    print("Time diff", time_diff)  
    # Encoder time me when I check the encoder
    if time_diff >= 120:
    elif time_diff <= 110 and time_diff > 7:
    # check for stop sign/traffic light every couple ticks
    if ((counter + 1) % stopSignCheck) == 0:
        # check for the first stop sign
        if not passedFirstStopSign:
            isStopSignBool, floorSight = isRedFloorVisible(frame)
            if sightDebug:
                cv2.imshow("floorSight", floorSight)
            if isStopSignBool:
                print("detected first stop sign, stopping")
                passedFirstStopSign = True
                # this is used to not check for the second stop sign until many frames later
                secondStopSignTick = counter + 200
                # now check for stop sign less frequently
                stopSignCheck = 3
                # add a delay to calling go faster
                go_faster_tick = counter + go_faster_tick_delay
                print("first stop finished!")
                mcp4728.channel_a.value = int(65535/1.6)
        # check for the second stop sign
        elif passedFirstStopSign and counter > secondStopSignTick:
            isStop2SignBool, _ = isRedFloorVisible(frame)
            if isStop2SignBool:
                # last stop sign detected, exits while loop
                print("detected second stop sign, stopping")
    # makes car go faster, helps it have enough speed to get to the end of the course
   # if isStopSignBool and counter == go_faster_tick:
    #    print("Going FASTER")
     #   speed_up()
     #   current_speed += .01 

    edges = detect_edges(frame)
    roi = region_of_interest(edges)
    line_segments = detect_line_segments(roi)
    lane_lines = average_slope_intercept(frame,line_segments)
    lane_lines_image = display_lines(frame,lane_lines)
    steering_angle = get_steering_angle(frame, lane_lines)
    #heading_image = display_heading_line(lane_lines_image,steering_angle)
    #cv2.imshow("heading line",heading_image)

    now = time.time()
    dt = now - lastTime
    if sightDebug:
        cv2.imshow("Cropped sight", roi)
    deviation = steering_angle - 90
    # error = abs(deviation)
    print("steering angle", steering_angle)
    #constants for steering range
    left_range = int(65535/4)
    right_range = int(65535/1.2)
    left = 8.8
    right = 6.2
    # PD code
    error = -deviation
    base_turn = 7.75
    proportional = kp * error
    derivative = kd * (error - lastError) / dt
     # take values for graphs
     # determine actual turn to do
    turn_amt = base_turn + proportional + derivative
    print("TURN AMNT", turn_amt)
     # caps turns to make PWM values
     # Map turn_amt to the steering range
    # caps turns to make PWM values
    if 7.2 < turn_amt < 7.8:
        turn_amt = 7.75 
        mcp4728.channel_b.value = int(65535/2.7)
    elif turn_amt > left:
        turn_amt = left
        print("TURN LEFT")
        mcp4728.channel_b.value = int(65535/15)
    elif turn_amt < right:
        turn_amt = right
        print("TURN RIGHT")
        mcp4728.channel_b.value = int(65535/1.5)

        turn_amt = turn_amt

    # take values for graphs

    # update PD values for next loop
    lastError = error
    lastTime = time.time()
    # derivative = kd * (error - lastError) / dt
    # proportional = kp * error
    # PD = int(speed + derivative + proportional)
    # spd = abs(PD)

    # if spd > 25:
    #     spd = 25
    # throttle.start(spd)

    # lastError = error
    # lastTime = time.time()
##    out.write(frame)
##    out2.write(heading_image)

    key = cv2.waitKey(1)
    if key == 27:
        plot_pd(p_vals, d_vals, err_vals, True)
    # update PD values for next loop
    lastError = error
    lastTime = time.time()

    counter += 1

plot_pd(p_vals, d_vals, err_vals, True)
#plot_pwm(speed_pwm, steer_pwm, err_vals, True)
# GPIO.output(in1,GPIO.LOW)
# GPIO.output(in2,GPIO.LOW)
# GPIO.output(in3,GPIO.LOW)
# GPIO.output(in4,GPIO.LOW)
# throttle.stop()
# steering.stop()


#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/of_device.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/gpio/consumer.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/device.h>
#include <linux/uaccess.h>
#include <asm/div64.h>

#define DEVICE_NAME "carencoder"
#define CLASS_NAME "carclass"

unsigned int irq_number;
struct gpio_desc *led_gpio;
struct gpio_desc *encoder_gpio;

static int elapsed_ms = 0;
ktime_t start_time, old_time, elapsed;

// Adds elapsed_ms to a parameters file under sys/modules/parameters
module_param(elapsed_ms, int, S_IRUGO);

static irq_handler_t encoder_irq_handler(unsigned int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs) {
    // Calculates the elapsed time by getting the current time and subtracting the
    // old time from it
    ktime_t new_time = ktime_get();
    elapsed = ktime_sub(new_time, old_time);
    old_time = new_time;
    elapsed_ms = ktime_divns(ktime_to_ns(elapsed),100000);

    printk("Elapsed: %i\n", elapsed);

    return (irq_handler_t) IRQ_HANDLED;

static int led_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) {
    printk("Setting up encoder IRQ.\n");
    old_time = ktime_get();

    encoder_gpio = devm_gpiod_get(&pdev->dev, "userbutton", GPIOD_IN);
    gpiod_set_debounce(encoder_gpio, 1000000);
    irq_number = gpiod_to_irq(encoder_gpio);
    //Checks if the irq request was successful
    if (request_irq(irq_number, (irq_handler_t)encoder_irq_handler, IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING, "button_irq", NULL) !=0) {
        printk(KERN_INFO "Failed to request\n");
        return -1;

    printk("Successfully requested IRQ.\n");

    return 0;

static int led_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) {
    struct device *temp_dev;
    // Frees the IRQ woah neat
    temp_dev = &pdev->dev;
    free_irq(irq_number, &temp_dev->id);
    printk("IRQ Freed!\n");
    return 0;

static struct of_device_id encoder_gpio_match[] = {
    .compatible = "encoder-gpio",
    {/* leave alone - keep this here (end node) */},

// Encoder GPIO driver
static struct platform_driver encoder_gpio_driver = {
    .probe = led_probe,
    .remove = led_remove,
    .driver = {
        .name = "this doesnt even matter",
        .owner = THIS_MODULE,
        .of_match_table = encoder_gpio_match,

// Module stuff and things
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Use of the accursed gpiod library to do some blinking LED stuff");
MODULE_AUTHOR("Maaz Zuberi");


Plain text

/ {
    fragment@0 {
        target-path  = "/";
        __overlay__ {
            fake_device { //new name
                compatible = "myd_overlay";
                led-gpios = <&gpio 5 0>;  // GPIO 5
                button-gpios = <&gpio 6 0>;  // GPIO 6 


Jacky Jiang
1 project • 0 followers
Maaz Zuberi
1 project • 0 followers
Adiv Ahsan
0 projects • 0 followers
Burak Kilic
0 projects • 0 followers
