In this tutorial I've explained everything about espressif IDE, how to install IDE and run a simple hello world example.
Software Used:1. Espressif IDE : Here in this tutorial I've used Espressif IDE recommended by ESP. You can also use VS code with espressif ide extension or platformio extension. So it's up to you how you want to work.
2.Docklight: This is a tool to see serial output from esp32 to PC, this is optional as espressif IDE itself has serial terminal, personally I prefer docklight as there are lot of option from hex view to decimal view of any string.
1. ESP32- WROOM-Kit: you required only one board for getting started with espressif IDE, here in this tutorial I'm using ESP32-WROOM kit, you can also go with esp32-wroover or esp32c3 mini board it will work for all the boards.
Video:The whole Project Description is given in above video
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