Fabian Castaño
Published © GPL3+

Empowering DUNE: AXI UARTLite using Petalinux 2022.2 in KRIA

In this tutorial, we provide the steps to create the hardware design to support the AXI UARTLite IP and interact with Petalinux 2022.2.

IntermediateFull instructions provided1 hour739
Empowering DUNE: AXI UARTLite using Petalinux 2022.2 in KRIA

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Kria™ KR260 Robotics Starter Kit
AMD Kria™ KR260 Robotics Starter Kit

Software apps and online services

Vivado Design Suite
AMD Vivado Design Suite
AMD PetaLinux


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Fabian Castaño
7 projects • 8 followers
Expert in biomedical signal processing, wearable medical device design. Skilled in scientific instrumentation, high-performance electronics.
