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LED Matrix Display Badge

Make a simple but challenging badge with an LED matrix display and an ATtiny13!

AdvancedFull instructions provided7,849
LED Matrix Display Badge

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
If you don't have an AVR programmer
Microchip ATtiny13A-SU
Or other 8-pin ATtinys
Tiny AVR Programmer
SparkFun Tiny AVR Programmer
Any other supported AVR programmer will be fine
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
3mm diameter
Resistor 100 ohm
Resistor 100 ohm
100 ohm or less
CR2032 battery
CR2032 battery holder through hole
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Slide Switch
Slide Switch

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
solder wire


Read more


Complete sources

schematic, board and firmware


this is just the proposed PCB



    (C)2016 FabLabAQ info@fablaquila.org

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

/*~~~~~~~~~~~~ SCRIVI IL TUO NOME TRA VIRGOLETTE ~~~~~~~~~~~~*/



#ifndef __AVR_ATtiny13__
	#error Selezionare ATtiny13 da: Strumenti -> Schede

// Character set
PROGMEM const unsigned long alphabet[] = {
	0b00000000000000000000,	// 32 space
	0b00100010001000000010,	// 33 !
	0b01010101000000000000,	// 34 "
	0b01101111011011110110,	// 35 #
	0b01101000010000101100,	// 36 $
	0b00001001001001001001,	// 37 %
	0b01001000010110100101,	// 38 &
	0b00100010000000000000,	// 39 '
	0b00100100010001000010,	// 40 (
	0b01000010001000100100,	// 41 )
	0b01010010010100000000,	// 42 *
	0b00000000010011100100,	// 43 +
	0b00000000000000100100,	// 44 ,
	0b00000000011000000000,	// 45 -
	0b00000000000000000100,	// 46 .
	0b00010011011011001000,	// 47 /
	0b01101101101110010110,	// 48 0
	0b00100110001000100111,	// 49 1
	0b11100001011010001111,	// 50 2
	0b11100001011000011110,	// 51 3
	0b00100110101011110010,	// 52 4
	0b11111000111000011110,	// 53 5
	0b01101000111010010110,	// 54 6
	0b11110001001001001000,	// 55 7
	0b01101001011010010110,	// 56 8
	0b01101001011100010110,	// 57 9
	0b00000100000001000000,	// 58 :
	0b00000100000001001000,	// 59 ;
	0b00110110110001100011,	// 60 <
	0b00001111000011110000,	// 61 =
	0b11000110001101101100,	// 62 >
	0b01001010001001000100,	// 63 ?
	0b01101011101110000110,	// 64 @
	0b01101001111110011001,	// 65 A
	0b11101001111010011110,	// 66 B
	0b01111000100010000111,	// 67 C
	0b11101001100110011110,	// 68 D
	0b11111000111010001111,	// 69 E
	0b11111000111010001000,	// 70 F
	0b01111000101110010110,	// 71 G
	0b10011001111110011001,	// 72 H
	0b01110010001000100111, // 73 I
	0b01110010001010100100, // 74 J
	0b10011010110010101001, // 75 K
	0b10001000100010001111, // 76 L
	0b10011111111110011001, // 77 M
	0b10011101101110011001, // 78 N
	0b01101001100110010110, // 79 O
	0b11101001111010001000, // 80 P
	0b01101001101101100001, // 81 Q
	0b11101001111010101001, // 82 R
	0b01111000011000011110, // 83 S
	0b01110010001000100010, // 84 T
	0b10011001100110010110, // 85 U
	0b10011001100110100100, // 86 V
	0b10011001111111110110, // 87 W
	0b10011001011010011001, // 88 X
	0b10011001011000101100, // 89 Y
	0b11110001001001001111,	// 90 Z
	0b01100100010001000110,	// 91 [
	0b10001100011000110001,	// 92 \
	0b01100010001000100110,	// 93 ]
	0b01001010000000000000,	// 94 ^
	0b00000000000000001111,	// 95 _
	0b01000010000000000000,	// 96 `
	0b01100001011110010111,	// 97 a
	0b10001000111010011110,	// 98 b
	0b00000110100010000110,	// 99 c
	0b00010001011110010111,	// 100 d
	0b01101001111010000110,	// 101 e
	0b00110100111001000100,	// 102 f
	0b00110101001100010110,	// 103 g
	0b10001000111010011001,	// 104 h
	0b00100000001000100010,	// 105 i
	0b00100010001000100100,	// 106 j
	0b10001010101011001010,	// 107 k
	0b01000100010001000100,	// 108 l
	0b00001001111110011001,	// 109 m
	0b00000000111010011001,	// 110 n
	0b00000110100110010110,	// 111 o
	0b01100101011001000100,	// 112 p
	0b00110101001100010001,	// 113 q
	0b00001010110010001000,	// 114 r
	0b00110100001000010110,	// 115 s
	0b01001110010001000010,	// 116 t
	0b00001001100110010111,	// 117 u
	0b00000101010101010010,	// 118 v
	0b00000000100111110110,	// 119 w
	0b00000000010100100101,	// 120 x
	0b00000101001100010110,	// 121 y
	0b00001111001001001111,	// 122 z
	0b01100100110001000110,	// 123 {
	0b00100010001000100010,	// 124 |
	0b01100010001100100110,	// 125 }
	0b00000101101000000000	// 126 ~

const int displayWidth = 4;
const int displayHeight = 5;

// between pixels
const unsigned int timeout = 150;

const char PROGMEM displayString[] = YOUR_NAME;
const byte stringLength = sizeof(displayString);

// The offset of our string in the display
int offset = 0;
unsigned long lastMillis = 0;
unsigned long currentMillis = 0;

// render the string on the given offset
void renderString(int offset) {
  for(byte index=0; index< (stringLength-1); index++){
  	uint8_t pos = pgm_read_byte(&displayString[index]) - 32;
  	unsigned long gfx = pgm_read_dword(&alphabet[pos]);
    renderCharacter(gfx, offset - index * (displayWidth + 1));

void renderCharacter(unsigned long graphic, int charOffset) {
  if (charOffset <= -displayWidth || charOffset > displayWidth) {
    // off the 'screen' nothing to do

  for (byte y = 0; y < displayHeight; y++) {
    for (byte x = 0; x < displayWidth; x++) {
      // 3 - x to reverse order
      setPixel(3 - x - charOffset, y, graphic & 0x1);
      graphic = graphic >> 1;

// light a pixel at the given coordinates
void setPixel(byte x, byte y, boolean ledStatus) {
  if (x < displayWidth) {
    if (y <= x) {
    setLed(4-x, 4-y, ledStatus);

// turn on the pins to light a LED
void setLed(byte vin, byte gnd, boolean ledStatus) {
  if(ledStatus) {
    DDRB = (0x01 << vin) | (0x01 << gnd);
    PORTB = 0x01 << vin;
  else {
    DDRB = 0x00;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  currentMillis = millis();


  if (currentMillis - lastMillis > timeout) {
    lastMillis = currentMillis;
    // shift string over one "pixel"
    // if it's past the length of the string, start over from the beginning
    if (offset > (stringLength-1) * (displayWidth + 1)) {
      offset = -displayWidth;

Full source


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