Vehicles contribute a large amount of pollution to earth, even though Electric vehicles are promoted, there is still a long way to go emission free ,our solution is a step towards it.
When the vehicles are stopped at traffic signals, they emit hazards gases even when not moving. People don't turn their vehicles off even if the traffic is 5 minutes long this way they contribute in pollution , our device monitors the pollution level and sends alert to the user reminding them about the fuel wastage and their contribution in pollution. The device suggest to turn the vehicle off at traffic signals, when the pollution level reaches 850 ppm value in the sensor. The alert is send to mobile application which is set in front of them. The app is simple, when the user vehicle pollution is in limit then the app show shows a happy earth face and the earth asks for help with a sad face when the pollution is above limits. This way they save fuel for them and earth from pollution.
we cannot stop the pollution at once but we can slow it down till we come up with a solution to stop it at once.
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