Industries directly dump chemicals & waste into the rivers and oceans. The price of which is paid by aquatic life and people living nearby.
Worried about the quality of air around you? This project will help you monitor the air pollution levels in your surroundings!
Using AI to detect dangerous bacteria and harmful particles in the water.
Experimental studies would assert the possibility that PM10 may act as a “carrier” for the spreading of the viral infection of COVID-19.
A low-cost IoT air quality monitor based on a Raspberry Pi 4.
It is a portable wearable eco-friendly air purifier.
Using AI object detection to detect water contamination.
Low maintenance, high output air pollution, sound pollution that put throughout the city without wiring.
Proof of concept of a Tangle based transparent and trusted air pollution monitoring system for future smart districts.
We will monitor the air quality index in PPM using MQ135 Air Quality Sensor & ESP8266. The logged data will ca be observed in Thingspeak.
A smart pollution control device is set near the exhaust of the vehicle to alert the user when they are wasting fuel and causing pollution
Video-Tutorial about the SGP30 multi-pixel gas sensor designed for easy indoor air quality measurements.
A device for air pollution detection that measures a quantity of dust suspended in the air, with using Google Android Things and Firebase.
A System designed to alert the user about possible Air Quality condition of particular city.
This project is for monitor the air and UV conditions of the environment before the children go to recess.
To bring awareness on noise pollution levels in places with heavy traffic inflow and introduce measures to discourage people from honking.
Monitoring the CO2 levels in classrooms
Monitoring river water quality based on open-design multi-parameter sonde, built along with QuickFeather and SensiML service.
Monitoring Harmful Algae Blooms (HAB) that creates an unbalance in freshwater as well as marine ecosystems.
Time to be happy all togheter with friends or parents, but, remember anti-Covid rules, change frequently air in room to avoid risk!!!
Project kaatru is a pollution monitoring system that measures co2 and sends the data to the cloud
A system that monitor the water source condition and notify remotely in the event when there's possibility of water source being polluted.