
C++, Servo Motors, Teknic. com, and the BBB

Did you want a high performance set of instrumentation/machinery via USB from your BeagleBone Black Rev. C along w/ a compiled C++ SDK?

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C++, Servo Motors, Teknic. com, and the BBB

Things used in this project

Hardware components

BeagleBone Black BeagleBone Black
Servo Motor 75vdc
24vdc Power Supply
Misc. Cables

Software apps and online services

Teknic SDK Debian Buster from

Hand tools and fabrication machines



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Homing from their SDK and all from the BBB

Here it is...
// $Archive: /ClearPath SC/Installer/Program Files/Teknic/ClearView/sdk/examples/4b-Example-Homing/Example-Homing.cpp $
// $Revision: 2 $ $Date: 12/09/16 12:23p $
// $Workfile: Example-Homing.cpp $
//Required include files
#include <stdio.h>  
#include <string>
#include "pubSysCls.h"  
using namespace sFnd;
//This program will load configuration files onto each node connected to the port, then executes
//sequential repeated moves on each axis.
#define PORT_NUM            9       //The port's COM number (as seen in device manager)
#define CHANGE_NUMBER_SPACE 2000    //The change to the numberspace after homing (cnts)
#define TIME_TILL_TIMEOUT   10000   //The timeout used for homing(ms)
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
                                                //Create the SysManager object.  This will object will coordinate actions among various ports,
                                                // and within nodes.  In this example we use this object to setup and open our port.
    SysManager myMgr;                           //Create System Manager myMgr
    printf("Hello World, I am SysManager\n");   //Print to console
    printf("\n I will now open port \t%i \n \n", PORT_NUM);
    //This will try to open the port.  If there is an error/exception during the port opening
    //the code will jump to the catch loop where detailed information regarding the error will be displayed,
    //otherwise the catch loop is skipped over
        myMgr.ComHubPort(0, PORT_NUM);  //define the first SC Hub port (port 0) to be associated with COM 
                                        //PORT_NUM  (as seen in device manager)
        myMgr.PortsOpen(1);             //Open the first port.
    catch (mnErr theErr)    //This catch statement will intercept any error from the Class library
        printf("Port Failed to open, shutting down\n");
        //This statement will print the address of the error, the error code (defined by the mnErr class), 
        //as well as the corresponding error message.
        printf("Caught error: addr=%d, err=0x%08x\nmsg=%s\n", theErr.TheAddr, theErr.ErrorCode, theErr.ErrorMsg);
        ::system("pause"); //pause so the user can see the error message; waits for user to press a key
        return 0;  //This terminates the main program
    //Once the code gets past this point, it can be assumed that the Port has been opened without issue
    //Now we can get a reference to our port object which we will use to access the node 
    IPort &myPort = myMgr.Ports(0);     //set the reference myPort to refer to port 0 
    //Here we identify the first Node, enable and home the node, then adjust the position reference
    try {
            // Create a shortcut reference for the first node
            INode &theNode = myPort.Nodes(0);
            theNode.EnableReq(false);               //Ensure Node is disabled before starting
            printf("   Node[0]: type=%d\n", theNode.Info.NodeType());
            printf("            userID: %s\n", theNode.Info.UserID.Value());
            printf("        FW version: %s\n", theNode.Info.FirmwareVersion.Value());
            printf("          Serial #: %d\n", theNode.Info.SerialNumber.Value());
            printf("             Model: %s\n", theNode.Info.Model.Value());
            //The following statements will attempt to enable the node.  First,
            // any shutdowns or NodeStops are cleared, finally the node in enabled
            theNode.Status.AlertsClear();                   //Clear Alerts on node 
            theNode.Motion.NodeStopClear(); //Clear Nodestops on Node               
            theNode.EnableReq(true);                    //Enable node 
            double timeout = myMgr.TimeStampMsec() + TIME_TILL_TIMEOUT; //define a timeout in case the node is unable to enable
                                                                        //This will loop checking on the Real time values of the node's Ready status
            while (!theNode.Motion.IsReady()) {
                if (myMgr.TimeStampMsec() > timeout) {
                    printf("Error: Timed out waiting for Node 0 to enable\n");
                    return -2;
            //At this point the Node is enabled, and we will now check to see if the Node has been homed
            //Check the Node to see if it has already been homed, 
            if (theNode.Motion.Homing.WasHomed())
                printf("Node has already been homed, current position is: \t%8.0f \n", theNode.Motion.PosnMeasured.Value());
                printf("Rehoming Node... \n");
                printf("Node has not been homed.  Homing Node now...\n");
            //Now we will home the Node
            timeout = myMgr.TimeStampMsec() + TIME_TILL_TIMEOUT;            //define a timeout longer than the longest time possible for the mechanics to reach the homing target
            //This will loop checking on the Real time values of the node's Homing active status
            while (theNode.Motion.Homing.IsHoming() && myMgr.TimeStampMsec() < timeout)
            //Check to make sure we've homed
            if (theNode.Motion.Homing.WasHomed())
                theNode.Motion.PosnMeasured.Refresh();      //Refresh our current measured position
                printf("Node completed homing, current position: \t%8.0f \n", theNode.Motion.PosnMeasured.Value());
                printf("Soft limits now active\n");
                printf("Node did not complete homing:  \n\t -Ensure Homing settings have been defined through ClearView. \n\t -Check for alerts/Shutdowns \n\t -Ensure timeout is longer than the longest possible homing move.\n");
                    return -2;
            //Printing soft limits
            printf("Soft Limit 1 = %d \n ", (int)theNode.Limits.SoftLimit1);
            printf("Soft Limit 2 = %d \n ", (int)theNode.Limits.SoftLimit2);
            printf("Adjusting Numberspace by %d\n", CHANGE_NUMBER_SPACE);
            theNode.Motion.AddToPosition(CHANGE_NUMBER_SPACE);          //Now the node is no longer considered "homed, and soft limits are turned off
            theNode.Motion.Homing.SignalComplete();     //reset the Node's "sense of home" soft limits (unchanged) are now active again
            theNode.Motion.PosnMeasured.Refresh();      //Refresh our current measured position
            printf("Numberspace changed, current position: \t%8.0f \n", theNode.Motion.PosnMeasured.Value());
            printf("Soft Limit 1 = %d \n ", (int)theNode.Limits.SoftLimit1);
            printf("Soft Limit 2 = %d \n ", (int)theNode.Limits.SoftLimit2);
            printf("Disabling Node");
    catch (mnErr theErr)
        //This statement will print the address of the error, the error code (defined by the mnErr class), 
        //as well as the corresponding error message.
        printf("Caught error: addr=%d, err=0x%08x\nmsg=%s\n", theErr.TheAddr, theErr.ErrorCode, theErr.ErrorMsg);
        ::system("pause"); //pause so the user can see the error message; waits for user to press a key
        return 0;  //This terminates the main program
    // Close down the ports
    ::system("pause"); //pause so the user can see the program output; waits for user to press a key
    return 0;           //End program


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