Alex Grutter
Published © GPL3+

Renesas Synergy Dagu Rover 5

Rover project using the Renesas Synergy S7G2 MCU on board a Future Designs SYG-SOM module powering a Dagu Rover5 chassis/motor controller.

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Renesas Synergy Dagu Rover 5

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Renesas SYNERGY S7G2
Dagu Rover5 Chassis w/ 4 Motors and 4 Encoders
Dagu Rover5 Tank Motor Driver Board
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
Pmod BT2
Digilent Pmod BT2

Software apps and online services

Renesas Synergy Software Package (SSP)


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Rover Baseboard Schematic

This custom board is developed to connect the SYG-SOM module, PmodBT2 Bluetooth module, and motor controller to, and has the footprints for other parts as well.

Rover Baseboard BOM

This custom board is developed to connect the SYG-SOM module, PmodBT2 Bluetooth module, and motor controller to, and has the footprints for other parts as well.


RoverDemo Synergy Project

The zip file can be left as an archive and imported into e2studio as a Synergy Project. Once imported, the board support package (FutureDesignsInc.RoverDemo.1.2.0.pack) needs to be placed into e2studio's directory for pack files under C:\Renesas\e2_studio\internal\projectgen\arm\Packs. After doing that, open up configuration.xml and generate the Synergy software and build. After building, J-Link 10-pin or TagConnect 10-pin cable will be needed to program the SYG-SOM.
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Renesas Synergy Dagu Rover 5 Github Repository

This is a Renesas e2studio Synergy Project.


Alex Grutter
1 project • 1 follower
I work developing embedded GUI systems for a living. I also like to dabble with robotics, image processing and machine learning.
Thanks to Mark Hall and Todd DeBoer.


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