Giovambattista VieriPaolo Nenzi
Published © GPL3+


TEmperature TRAcker. Today everyone is involved in both appraising or bashing 'tracing apps'. Instead we will track your temperature.

IntermediateFull instructions provided10 hours1,005

Things used in this project

Hardware components

nRF52 Development Kit
Nordic Semiconductor nRF52 Development Kit
raspberry pi
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
NXP pn 532 nfc
Capacitor 100 µF
Capacitor 100 µF
at least 50V!
multilayer ceramic capacitor 1 micro farad 25v
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
jumper wire male/male female/male

Software apps and online services

ubuntu linux
Windows 10
Microsoft Windows 10


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this is a schema of a power supply from nfc signal. if you change lv50 with lv33 you get 3.3 v in exit. We prefer 5 volt to power nrf52840 dongle. For testing purpose. It is a working in progress. We loved BAT diodes but we have to use 1N5711 ... And so on.

simulation of antenna

with 62 pF . Please remember that this is a simulation ... real value will vary about your pcb or wiring ...


TeTra code repository

Hereby you will find the code.


Giovambattista Vieri
6 projects • 6 followers
Technical engineer, I love electronics and Informatics. My beloved language is C, I am happy when I can deploy sensors and collect data!
Paolo Nenzi
0 projects • 1 follower
EE with 20 years experience in semiconductor technology, electronics systems design and computer programming.


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