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Greg Terrell
Published © MIT

Developing Embedded SAMD Applications with VS Code Arduino

Ready to move past the Arduino IDE? Here is one alternative path to look at: Visual Studio Code Arduino and the SAMD21 MCU.

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Developing Embedded SAMD Applications with VS Code Arduino

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Adafruit Feather M0 Express
The processes covered in this project will work almost unchanged for most of the SAMD21 based development boards out there.
Adafruit SWD (2x5 1.27mm) Cable Breakout
Used to "adapt" the Feather M0 Express for J-Link debugging.
Segger J-Link
During the creation of this project I used a Segger J-Link Plus. The Plus model is required for my situation because I use it for commercial applications. If you are just learning or a hobbyist , there are EDU units for substantially lower cost that can perform the steps demonstrated in this project.

Software apps and online services

Visual Studio Code Extension for Arduino
Microsoft Visual Studio Code Extension for Arduino
VS Code Extension to support communications between VSCode and the Segger J-Link.


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Developing in VS Code Arduino Companion Files


Greg Terrell
2 projects • 2 followers
I am CEO of LooUQ in Traverse City, MI, USA. We develop the LTEm1 cellular modem and LooUQ Cloud IoT platform to enable rapid & secure IoT.
