Joe ConnersJosh Madsen

You've Got the Power! (or not... )

The DIY solution that provides safety in the event of a power outage.

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You've Got the Power! (or not... )

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Photon 2
Particle Photon 2
Resistor 100 ohm
Resistor 100 ohm
Elegoo KY-018 Photoresistor Module
Elegoo KY-011 Two Color LED Module
Any LED will do, this was chosen for convenience. In practice a more powerful LED is preferable.
3.7V, 1800mAh Li-Ion Polymer Battery


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Wall Module

Wall Module

Light Module

Light Module


Wall Module

This detects and monitors wall voltage. If wall voltage falls below threshold, sends a signal to activate power the photoresistor module and LED. Receives confirmation LED is on.
int Power = A5; //Voltage output from VUSB

int Indicator = D7; //Indicator that remote light is on

int PowerOut = 100; //Low Voltage Threshold

int volts = 0; //Current Voltage

void setup() {

pinMode(Power, INPUT);
pinMode(Indicator, OUTPUT);


void loop() {
Particle.subscribe("Light", Indication); //subscribes to emergency light in order to show light on/off condition

volts=analogRead(Power); //update volts

if (analogRead(Power)<PowerOut) {
    Particle.publish("The Power is Out", Time.format(, "%I:%M%p"), 60, PUBLIC); //power outage notification with time data
    Particle.publish("volts", String(volts)); //volts publish for adafruit

else {
    Particle.publish("volts", String(volts)); //volts publish for adafruit

void Indication(const char *event, const char *data) { //subscribe to emergency light module
    if(strcmp(data,String(1))==0) {
        digitalWrite(Indicator, HIGH);
    else if(strcmp(data,String(0))==0) {
        digitalWrite(Indicator, LOW);
    else {

Light Module

Receives instruction from Wall Module. Turns on LED in low light situations when the wall module is on battery power. Publishes light status. Sends light status to wall module.
int Light = D0;

int Power = D1;

int Sensor = A2;

void setup() {

pinMode(Light, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Power, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Sensor, INPUT);
pinMode(D7, OUTPUT); //hardware issue that turns D7 HIGH at boot, this corrects the issue
digitalWrite(Power, LOW);

void loop(){

Particle.subscribe("The Power is Out", Emergency); //Power outage notification

void Emergency(const char *event, const char *data) {

digitalWrite(Power, HIGH);

if (analogRead(Sensor)<700) {
    digitalWrite(Light, HIGH); //light on
    Particle.publish("Light", String(1));
else {
    digitalWrite(Light, LOW); //light off
    Particle.publish("Light", String(0));


Joe Conners
1 project • 0 followers
Josh Madsen
1 project • 0 followers
