Hans-Günther Nusseck
Published © MIT

Digital dice with IOT cheating function

Using the M5STickC-plus as digital dice. With the possibility to read the result remotely. You will always win!

BeginnerFull instructions provided1 hour1,073

Things used in this project

Hardware components

M5Stack M5StickC Plus ESP32

Software apps and online services

PlatformIO IDE
PlatformIO IDE


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main program file
 * Simple two-dice application for M5StickC-plus
 * Including a webserver for a remote view at the result
 * Hague Nusseck @ electricidea
 * v2.0 | 22.December.2021
 * https://github.com/electricidea/M5StickC-plus_IOT-dice-game
 * Check the complete project at Hackster.io:
 * https://www.hackster.io/hague/digital-dice-with-iot-cheating-function-354ccc
 * Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include "M5StickCPlus.h"
// install library:
// pio lib install "m5stack/M5StickCPlus"

#include "Dice_background.h"
#include "Shake_image.h"

// custom tools for WiFi accesspoint and web server
#include "web_server.h"

// size of the black dots on the dice
#define DOT_SIZE 12

// 1000ms = 1 second
#define One_Second 1000
// 60000ms = 1 minute
#define One_Minute 60000

// Array to define the position of the dots on the dice
int dot_positions[7][6][2] {
  {}, // 0
  {{55,55}}, // 1
  {{25,25},{85,85}}, // 2
  {{25,25},{55,55},{85,85}}, // 3
  {{25,25},{85,25},{25,85},{85,85}}, // 4
  {{25,25},{85,25},{55,55},{25,85},{85,85}},// 5
  {{25,25},{25,55},{25,85},{85,25},{85,55},{85,85}}, // 6

// Display brightness level
// possible values: 7 - 15
uint8_t screen_brightness = 10; 
// screen orientation
// 0 = up / 1 = left / 2 = down / 3 = right
uint8_t screen_orientation = 1;

// state machine
//  0 = start with printing text
#define START_STATE 0
// 10 = waiting for start shaking
#define WAIT_STATE 10
// 20 = generate random numbers and wait for stop shaking
#define SHAKE_STATE 20
// 30 = display dice #1 value
#define DISPLAY1_STATE 30
// 40 = display dice #2 value
#define DISPLAY2_STATE 40
// 50 = wait for button press to start new game
#define BUTTON_STATE 50
int process_State = 0;

// time until the next event
unsigned long next_event_time = 0;

// values for both dice
int dice1_value;
int dice2_value;

// avarage differential value from the acceleration sensor
double mean_accX_d = 0;
// number of average values for acceleration calculation
// Moving average filter value:
// The higher the value for the number of values to be 
// averaged, the more high-frequency signals are filtered 
// out, but the latency increases.
// 10 = good shaking detection with no knocking detection
// 5 = faster detection. Still stable. More sensitiv against knocking
// 1 = fast response but false positive detection by knocking
int mean_accX_n = 10;

// forward declaration
float get_horizontal_shaking();
void draw_dice(int16_t x, int16_t y, int dice_value);

void setup() {
  // screen brightness (7-15)
  // init display form text display
  M5.Lcd.drawString("Digital DICE", (int)(M5.Lcd.width()/2), 18, 4);
  // Byte Order for pushImage()
  // need to be set "true" to get the right color coding
  // set the start value for the dice-web-page
  dice1_html_value = '-';
  dice2_html_value = '-';
  // init and start the web-server for the dice-web-page

void loop() {
	// current time in milliseconds
	unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

  // button B to change the orientation
    // 1 = right handed
    // 3 = left handed
    if(screen_orientation == 1)
      screen_orientation = 3;
      screen_orientation = 1;
    process_State = START_STATE;
    next_event_time = currentMillis;

  // state machine cases
  switch(process_State) {
    // ******** START_STATE = start with printing text
    case START_STATE  :
      // if time for event is reached
    	if (currentMillis >= next_event_time) {
        M5.Lcd.pushImage(0, 0, Shake_image_WIDTH, Shake_image_HEIGHT, (uint16_t *)Shake_image);
        // next state
        process_State = WAIT_STATE;
        next_event_time = currentMillis + 0.5*One_Second;

    // ******** WAIT_STATE = waiting for acceleration (start shaking)
    case WAIT_STATE  :
      if (currentMillis > next_event_time){
        // looking for start shaking
          if (get_horizontal_shaking() > 3.0) {
            process_State = SHAKE_STATE;
            next_event_time = currentMillis + 0.2*One_Second;

    // ******** SHAKE_STATE = generate random numbers and waiting for stop shaking
    case SHAKE_STATE  :
      if (currentMillis > next_event_time){
        // rolling the dice
        dice1_value = random(1, 7);
        dice1_html_value = '0'+dice1_value;
        dice2_value = random(1, 7);
        dice2_html_value = '0'+dice2_value;
        // looking for stop shaking
        if (get_horizontal_shaking() < 1.0) {
          process_State = DISPLAY1_STATE;
          next_event_time = currentMillis + 0.2*One_Second;

    // ******** DISPLAY1_STATE = display dice #1
    case DISPLAY1_STATE  :
      if (currentMillis > next_event_time){
        M5.Lcd.fillRect(0, 0, M5.Lcd.width(), M5.Lcd.height(), WHITE);
        process_State = DISPLAY2_STATE;
        next_event_time = currentMillis + 0.5*One_Second;

    // ******** DISPLAY2_STATE = display dice #2
    case DISPLAY2_STATE  :
      if (currentMillis > next_event_time){
        process_State = BUTTON_STATE;
        next_event_time = currentMillis + 1*One_Second;

    // ******** BUTTON_STATE = wait for button press to start new roll
    case BUTTON_STATE  :
      if (currentMillis > next_event_time){
          dice1_html_value = 'X';
          dice2_html_value = 'X';
          process_State = START_STATE;
          next_event_time = currentMillis + 0.1*One_Second;
  // check for web browser requests

* Function name:          draw_dice
* Description:            function to draw dots of a die
* Parameter:              x, y = top / left origin of the die
*                         dice_value = number on the die
void draw_dice(int16_t x, int16_t y, int dice_value) {
  // M5StickC Display size is 80x160
  // M5StickC-plus Display size is 135x240
  // Dice size is 110x110
  M5.Lcd.pushImage(x, y, 110, 110, (uint16_t *)Dice_background);
  if(dice_value > 0 && dice_value < 7){
    for(int dot_index = 0; dot_index < dice_value; dot_index++) {
                        DOT_SIZE, TFT_BLACK);


* Function name:          get_horizontal_shaking
* Description:            function to get a horizontal movement value
float get_horizontal_shaking(){
  // two values of X-acceleration
  float accX_1, accX_2;
  // Y and Z values are needed for function call
  float accY, accZ;
  // differential value of X-acceleration
  float accX_d = 0;
  // get the first and the second sensor data
  // calculate the absolute differential value
  accX_d = fabs(accX_2 - accX_1);
  // building the mean value (Moving average calculation)
  mean_accX_d = ((mean_accX_d * (mean_accX_n-1)) + accX_d)/mean_accX_n;
  return mean_accX_d;


The web page of the dice game
<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Digital Dice</title>
      body {
        background: #FFFFFF;
        margin: 0;
      #HeadFont {
        font-family: Impact, Charcoal, sans-serif;
        font-size: 22px;
        letter-spacing: 2px;
        word-spacing: 2px;
        color: #FFFFFF;
        font-weight: normal;
      #DiceFont {
        font-family: "Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace;
        font-size: 70px;
        letter-spacing: 2px;
        word-spacing: 2px;
        color: #FFFFFF;
        font-weight: 400;
      window.onload = function(){   
          document.getElementById('dice1').innerHTML = dice1value;
          document.getElementById('dice2').innerHTML = dice2value;
    <script type="text/javascript" src="dicevalue.js"></script>
    <table style="background-color: #7f7f7f; border-color: #000000; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; cellspacing=10">
            <td id="HeadFont" style="text-align: center;">
            <table style="float: center;" cellspacing="10">
            <tbody id="HeadFont">
              <td style="text-align: center;">M5StickC-plus digital dice</td>
              <td><img alt="" src="electric-idea_50x50.jpg"/></td>
            <td style="text-align: center;">
            <table  align="center"  border="1" style="float: center;" cellspacing="10">
            <tbody id="DiceFont">
                <td width=120 id="dice1" style="text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0px;"></td>
                <td width=120  id="dice2" style="text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0px;"></td>
        <tr><td style="text-align: right;"><a href="/"><img alt="" src="refresh-40x30.png"/></a></td></tr>

github repository

all code files


Hans-Günther Nusseck
17 projects • 55 followers
Just a guy who can't pass by any hardware without wondering how it works. Managing robot based industrial automation projects for living.
Thanks to Alfonso de Cala .
