This tutorial was originally published at High Voltages.
IntroductionProblem StatementThe most time-consuming process for the content creator is to share and to get traffic on his content. Either it is Youtube video or blog, everybody wants to maximize the reach of his content and sharing at different places is a boring process so let’s automate it using python. Facebook group automation python is a blog worth reading.
OverviewIn this blog, we are going to learn how we can automate the sharing process using this python tool. I have got some good organic traffic on my youtube channel and website using this tool.
By using this tool, you can save a lot of time and do something you love to do. How you are going to do that, well. you can post in multiple FB groups using 1 click.
DisclaimerBefore starting, I would like to let you know that this blog is for educational purposes. Specifically, web automation using python. Excess usage of this tool can restrict you from using some of the Facebook features or might ban your account so USE IT ON YOUR OWN RISK.
Video TutorialGraphical User Interface (GUI)The GUI or graphical user interface is easy to use. The first thing you have to do is to write your Facebook email and password and click save credentials. The credentials are being saved in the file “Credentials.dat” which is in the same folder. After saving credentials, you have to add a new group list.
You can add a new group list by going to Facebook and copy the group links and pasting in the group list. here is the format for that.
Fb group link1 , fb group link 2 , fb group link 3, .. .. .. .. .. ... ... ... .. fb group link n.
Once you have added all the group, add the file name, so you can post according to the category. For example, I have group lists for the following categories,
- Arduino
- IoT
- Python
After writing the file name, click Save. The group links will be saved in the file which is located in the “Group List” directory.
Then select the Group, you can do that by going into select group drop-down and select the group list which you have created recently. Write a message or link, if you are entering a link, your message will be posted with the thumbnail of the links.
Click Start and you will observe that the chrome browser will be opened and it will first go to and login with your credentials. After logging in, it will wait for a few seconds and go to the group links, one by one and post your message.
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